
Archbishop Gänswein tells interviewer ‘it broke Pope Benedict’s heart to read the new motu proprio’ Traditionis Custodes…

[embedded content] Interviewer: So, Pope Benedict’s lifting of restrictions on celebrating the Extraordinary Form of the Roman Rite according to the 1962 Missal did not last as long as he intended. As Pope Emeritus, he was around to see the promulgation of Pope Francis’ MOTU PROPRIO Traditionis Custodes. Was he disappointed? Archbishop Gänswein: It hit him pretty hard. I believe it broke Pope Benedict’s heart to read the new MOTU PROPRIO, because his intention had been to help those who simply found a home in the Missale Vetustum—to find inner peace, to find liturgical peace—in order to draw them away from Marcel Lefebvre. And if you think about how many centuries the old Mass was the source of spiritual life and nourishment for many people including many saints, it’s impossible to imagine...

Father Ronald Knox excels at making clear what Catholics believe…

Ronald Knox is a spiritual master whose value is not found in a “verbal fireworks show that will wow you” but preaching “utterly useful to one attempting to live Christian life.” For that reason, it is a delight to see that Cluny Media has republished two of his classics. Taken together they provide a kind of brief guide to the Christian life. The Belief of Catholics (245 pages, Cluny, 2022) and The Mass in Slow Motion (130 pages, Cluny, 2022) Ronald Knox is a spiritual master whose value is not found in a “verbal fireworks show that will wow you” but preaching “utterly useful to one attempting to live Christian life.” For that reason, it is a delight to see that in 2022 Cluny Media has republished two of his classics: his 1927 apologetic work, The Belief of Catholics, and the 1948 walk th...

James Papandrea: How (and why) to read the Bible through the Church Fathers…

“We live in a world that is so focused on the self and individualism and each person making him- or herself their highest authority, that when you apply that sort of worldview and that sort of way of thinking to reading Scripture, then it very quickly becomes…all about me. And that’s entirely the wrong way to read Scripture…Especially as our culture has been influenced by the Protestant Reformation and Protestant Christianity, I think that we have lost our way in terms of how we are supposed to read Scripture,” said James L. Papandrea, Ph.D., a professor of Church History and Historical Theology at Garrett-Evangelical Theological Seminary in Evanston, Ill. Papandrea is the author of books, including “Reading Scripture Like the Early Church: Seven Insight...

The First Afterlife of Pope Benedict XVI [New York Times Paywall]…

This agenda has not yet succeeded in achieving the church of liberal Catholicism’s desires: Again and again Francis has seemed to push toward an explicit change on some controverted issue, from communion for the divorced and remarried to the rule of priestly celibacy, only to choose a more ambiguous course instead. And in certain cases, as part of his strange postretirement role, Benedict made intellectual interventions that seemed to operate as warnings to his successor not to go too far. But the Francis era has certainly returned the church to a state of open theological division. The liberal churches of Northern Europe, with the German bishops in the lead, are pushing hard for revolution — meaning progressive positions on sexual issues, lay leadership and intercommunion with Protestants...

God rest Benedict XVI…

Hey everybody, God rest Pope Benedict XVI. If you haven’t already done this, take a minute right now to pray for the repose of Benedict’s soul, and to pray in thanksgiving for both his life and the saving mystery of Jesus Christ, to which Benedict gave himself intellectually, pastorally, and spiritually. May perpetual light shine upon him. May he enter the eternal glory of the Lord, Jesus Christ. For many Catholics today, Benedict’s own words, preached at the funeral of Pope St. John Paul II, ring true: “Our hearts are full of sadness, yet at the same time of joyful hope and profound gratitude.” —I am writing this Tuesday Pillar Post from the airport, as I get ready to board a plane for Rome, where Ed and I will report on the mourning and funeral Mass of Benedict XVI, and spend some time i...

Vatican Releases Prayers and Readings for Thursday Funeral Mass of Pope Emeritus Benedict XVI…

Prayer at the end of the Eucharistic Prayer III offered in Latin: Remember your servant Pope Emeritus Benedict, whom you have called from this world to yourself. Grant that he who was united with your Son in a death like his, may also be one with him in his Resurrection, when from the earth he will raise up in the flesh those who have died, and transform our lowly body after the pattern of his own glorious body. To our departed brothers and sisters, too, and to all who were pleasing to you at their passing from this life, give kind admittance to your kingdom. There we hope to enjoy forever the fullness of your glory, when you will wipe away every tear from our eyes. For seeing you, our God, as you are, we shall be like you for all the ages and praise you without end, through Christ our Lor...

Archbishop Georg Gänswein, Benedict XVI’s longtime personal secretary, will soon publish a tell-all book defending Benedict against his enemies…

VATICAN CITY (AP) — Pope Emeritus Benedict XVI’s longtime personal secretary has written a tell-all book that his publisher on Monday promised would tell the truth about the “blatant calumnies,” “dark maneuvers,” mysteries and scandals that sullied the reputation of a pontiff best known for his historic resignation. Archbishop Georg Gaenswein’s “Nothing but the Truth: My Life Beside Pope Benedict XVI” is being published this month by the Piemme imprint of Italian publishing giant Mondadori, according to a press release. Benedict died Saturday at age 95 and his body was put on display Monday in St. Peter’s Basilica ahead of a Thursday funeral to be celebrated by his successor, Pope Francis. Gaenswein, a 66-year-old German priest, stood by Benedict’s side for nearly three decades, first as a...

Benedict XVI Was a ‘Cooperator of the Truth’ and a Truly Great Man…

Benedict modeled a life dedicated to Christ and the Church in loving service. I first met Joseph Ratzinger when I was 15 years old. No, not in person, but I was given The Ratzinger Report by my pastor, Father Daniel Mahoney. He knew I was looking for answers. I had already devoured the Bible, the Catechism and several books on Church history, and I was learning more about the Byzantine and Tridentine liturgies. I was confused about what I saw in the Church, and how it didn’t line up with what I was learning. Father Mahoney thought Ratzinger could help sort it out. He was right. Even as a teenager, Ratzinger gave me assurance with his liturgical vision and rootedness in doctrine. As The Ratzinger Report related, the Church was going through a crisis following the Second Vatican Council, and...

Thousands Gather in St. Peter’s Basilica as Benedict XVI’s Body Lies in State …

The former pope was dressed in red and gold vestments and wearing a gold miter. Popes are traditionally dressed in red for their funerals.  Benedict XVI had his rosary in his folded hands. He was wearing ordinary black clerical shoes, not the red shoes he famously wore during his reign. Thousands of people waited in a long line on Jan. 2 to enter the basilica, some waiting before sunrise, to pray and pay their respects to Benedict XVI, who led the Catholic Church from 2005 to 2013. Giancarlo Rossi, who lives in Rome, joined the line at 7:45 a.m. He was praying a rosary for Benedict while waiting for the opportunity to pay his respects. “I met him a few times — I am from here. And so I came to greet the pope for the last time,” he told CNA. “And I am praying for him. I offered my Mass ...

Benedict XVI taught us that saints are the antidote to the ‘dictatorship of relativism’…

As we recall the legacy of the late Benedict XVI, we would be remiss if we overlooked his theology of the saints as the antidote to the “dictatorship of relativism.” One of the central ideas throughout the writings of Benedict XVI (Joseph Ratzinger) has been the notion of communio (“communion”), which sees God Himself as a living communion of Divine Persons. Jesus Christ is the personification of the communion between God and humanity. The Church is a sacramental sign of God’s communion in the world and the instrument through which a divided humanity can enter into union with God in Christ. Finally, the eschaton is fully revealed in communio sanctorum – “the communion of saints.” In a homily for All Saints Day, Benedict XVI affirmed the universal call to holiness, which was reaffirmed by t...

The shepherds saw the law and the prophets fulfilled in Mary. We see it fulfilled in us…..

The Mother of God is the singular, unique, unrepeatable, irreproachable saint who brought Jesus Christ, God himself, into the world and that’s why we celebrate her on the Octave Day of Christmas Solemnity of the Blessed Virgin Mary, Mother of God. But we can’t avoid an awkward fact that Protestant apologists love to bring up: In three of the Gospels, Jesus himself keeps her waiting outside and says that we are each meant to be his mother. Mark tells the story this way: “A crowd was sitting around him, and they said to him, ‘your mother and your brothers are outside, seeking you.’” Elsewhere, Mark names Jesus’s “brothers”, showing that these are not siblings but relatives, as the word was sometimes used then. The story continues: “And looking about at those who sat around him, he said, ‘Her...

Some people believe that Mr. Potter (‘It’s a Wonderful Life’) and Scrooge (before the ghosts) are good guys. If you want a war on Christmas, there it is…..

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