
Hungry Priests Are Not Needy Priests…

The position of a priest can be the loneliest position in the world. All humans have a fundamental hunger to be appreciated, yet very few of our Spiritual Fathers fully receive or seek this out. Affirming what you know is good and true about another person is not only necessary, but essential, for the nourishment of any relationship. This can begin with you.Find out where you can listen to our podcast: out the Amazing Parish Summit: Services Marketplace – Listings, Bookings & Reviews Entertainment blogs & Forums

The world’s second-biggest Catholic church is about to debut more new Marko Rupnik mosaics — but abuse victims warn ‘in Rupnik, sexual dimension can’t be separated from creative experience’…

TURIN, Italy (OSV News) — For the rector of the world’s second largest church after St. Peter’s Basilica — the Sanctuary of Our Lady of Aparecida in Brazil — May 11 will be a day of celebrating the inauguration of the southern facade’s mosaics, all created by Father Marko Rupnik. But alleged victims of the disgraced former Jesuit and many faithful are not in celebratory mood. Amid a heated debate on what should be done with Father Rupnik’s mosaics across the globe, OSV News asked whether the art can be separated from the alleged acts of abuse by the Slovenian priest-artist and what should be done with his mosaics decorating iconic churches across the globe. Allegations againt Father Rupnik In December 2022, Rome’s Jesuit headquarters, following media reports concerning alleged abuse by Fat...

5 middle schoolers who protested trans athlete’s participation banned from future competitions…

Middle schoolers who protested trans athlete’s participation banned from future competitions Breaking News Services Marketplace – Listings, Bookings & Reviews Entertainment blogs & Forums

New York Resident Arrested in St. Peter’s Square ‘Armed Like a Butcher’ Was on ‘Most Wanted’ List in US…

The arrest of American Moisés Tejada in the vicinity of Saint Peter’s Square on Wednesday, April 10, has sparked shock and worry, given that the individual is sought by the NY Authorities for his alleged participation in a series of violent crimes. ➡ — ZenitEnglish (@zenitenglish) April 26, 2024 Tejada’s arrest was first reported earlier this month by la Repubblica, a daily newspaper in Italy, with the lead sentence (in Italian):  “What was an American armed like a butcher doing in Rome?”  Tejada, “posing as a potential customer of a realtor who was showing him the inside of a home, pointed a gun at the realtor, handcuffed him to a pole, and robbed him of personal property including his car” in Suffolk County, Long Island, according to a j...

The Fruitful Trials of St. Paul…

Fifth Sunday of EasterBy Fr. Victor Feltes Imagine if Osama bin Laden, after masterminding terrorist attacks, had repented and begun proclaiming Jesus Christ and the Gospel? Christians might understandably still be afraid of him and wary of his claimed Christian conversion. In the first century, prior to his famous conversion, St. Paul had intensely persecuted God’s Church and tried to destroy it. At the stoning of St. Stephen the Martyr he had guarded the cloaks of the murderers. Before encountering Christ on the way to Damascus, he was “breathing out murderous threats against the Lord’s disciples.” He had sought and obtained letters from the high priest empowering him to arrest any Christians he found in that city and take them back to Jerusalem as prisoners. So after his conversion, whe...

This book offers support and hope for Catholic dads who have lost a child…

2 days ago 2 days ago “Men seem to have a delayed grief relative to women,” says Bryan Feger, co-author of The Grief of Dads: Support and Hope for Catholic Fathers Navigating Child Loss from Ave Maria Press. “And usually that’s because they’re focused on providing care and support for their wife, and so they delay their grief.”  A member of the Knights of Columbus, Bryan earned his doctorate in physiology from the University of North Carolina at Greensboro and serves as a high school catechist and a participant in Yoke Fellows prison ministry. After experiencing the loss of three children from miscarriage, he finds purpose in letting other dads know that they are not alone.  In this episode, Bryan discusses the intricate differences in grief experienced by men wh...

Begotten by Love: A Reflection on the Sixth Sunday of Easter…

Readings:Acts 10:25–26, 34–35, 44–48Psalm 98:1–41 John 4:7–10John 15:9–17 God is love, and He revealed that love in sending His only Son to be a sacrificial offering for our sins. In these words from today’s Epistle, we should hear an echo of the story of Abraham’s offering of Isaac at the dawn of salvation history. Because Abraham obeyed God’s command and did not withhold his only beloved son, God promised that Abraham’s descendants, the children of Israel, would be the source of blessing for all nations (see Genesis 22:16–18). We see that promise coming to fulfillment in today’s First Reading. God pours out His Spirit upon the Gentiles, the non-Israelites, as they listen to the word of Peter’s preaching. Notice they receive the same gifts received by the devout Jews who heard Peter’s pre...

Mothering Sunday: The baptismal holiday we missed in America…

By Dr. Jeff Mirus ( bio – articles – email ) | Apr 26, 2024 It’s a little late for this year, but I’ve just learned—for the first time in my life—of the special day called Mothering Sunday, observed in the United Kingdom and some other related countries. Contrary to some sources, this is not an opportunity for people to visit their mothers, and it doesn’t have much to do with the movie of the same name. Rather, this observance originated in the Middle Ages on the fourth Sunday in Lent (Laetare Sunday) as a day on which people would visit the church in which they were baptized. Given the wide dispersion of many families with each new generation, Mothering Sunday might be a difficult day for many people to observe, though I think other customs could be developed to celebrate our ...

The Pope says you’re welcome. But are you interested?

By Phil Lawler ( bio – articles – email ) | Apr 26, 2024 Another week, another papal interview. In the latest, broadcast by CBS (with a more extensive version to air in May), Pope Francis is asked about the many Catholics who have left the Church. His answer is revealing in several ways. He insists that there is “always a place” for Catholics in the Church. “If in this parish, the priest doesn’t seem welcoming, I understand,” he says; “but go and look elsewhere.” Father Raymond de Souza, writing in the National Catholic Register, remarks that here the Pope seems to be endorsing the practice of “parish-shopping,” which is contrary to the norms of canon law. As Father de Souza puts it, “The norm is that your parish is where you live.” True (and Father de Souza points this out as ...

Pope Francis to Visit Verona for a Trip Centered on Peace and Justice…

From there the Holy Father will make his way by car to the Basilica of San Zeno, which bears the name of the fourth-century Afro-Italian saint who is the city’s patron. There he will deliver a speech to priests and consecrated religious. The pope will then make his way into the adjacent square, where he will address children and young people.  The pope will subsequently visit the Verona Arena, a first-century Roman amphitheater — the third-largest in Italy, and one of the symbols of the city — where the pontiff will preside over an encounter titled ​​”Arena of Peace: Justice and Peace They Shall Kiss,” one of the main events of the day.  The Arena of Peace assembly was first held in 1986 as a way to bring together individuals and organizations to discuss and confront difficult so...

Pope Francis Visits Venice to Speak to the Artists and Inmates Behind the Biennale’s ‘Must-See’ Prison Show…

VENICE, Italy (AP) — Venice has always been a place of contrasts, of breathtaking beauty and devastating fragility, where history, religion, art and nature have collided over the centuries to produce an otherworldly gem of a city. But even for a place that prides itself on its culture of unusual encounters, Pope Francis’ visit Sunday stood out. Francis traveled to the lagoon city to visit the Holy See’s pavilion at the Biennale contemporary art show and meet with the people who created it. But because the Vatican decided to mount its exhibit in Venice’s women’s prison, and invited inmates to collaborate with the artists, the whole project assumed a far more complex meaning, touching on Francis’ belief in the power of art to uplift and unite, and of the need to give hope and solidarity to s...

What you pray for, virtual priesthood, and an Eastern mystery…

What you pray for, virtual priesthood, and an Eastern mystery Skip to content Pillar subscribers can listen to this Pillar Post here: The Pillar TL;DR Happy Friday friends, Today is the feast of the blesseds Robert Anderton and William Marsden, two English priests of the penal years under the reign of Bloody Queen Bess. And their somewhat truncated ministries are, to my mind, one of the great lessons in the Lord giving you exactly what you ask for. Anderton was born on the Isle of Wight in or about 1560 and, shortly after leaving Oxford, left England for Europe where he converted to Catholicism. In 1580 he entered the College of Rheims, the seminary for English priests destined to go home and work underground, and was ordained with the Lancastrian Marsden.  The two were sent to Englan...