
House Republicans Call for NCAA Ban on Biological Men in Women’s Sports…

“While I applaud the NAIA’s recent decision to ban biological men from women’s sports, I am deeply disturbed that the NCAA is ignoring the facts and failing to do the same,” Tenney added. “Women fought hard to earn the critical protections of Title IX, and we must continue to protect these opportunities for generations to come. I am dedicated to defending the future of women’s sports and providing a level playing field for all female athletes.” The letter praises the NAIA decision, stating it “appropriately recognizes the natural advantages that biological men have in certain athletic competitions.” It asks Baker “to reconsider [the NCAA’s] current policy that allows biological males to deprive women of a fair opportunity to compete and achieve athletic success.”  “All women in NCAA-a...

Building Bigger Barns While Kneeling Before the World…

What is the future for Notre Dame? The mood is rather bullish, at least in parts of Notre Dame right now. Last year the university gained admission to the American Association of Universities (AAU), reputedly the nation’s leading organization of research-intensive universities. The money continues to roll in to America’s best-known Catholic university. Generous donors continue to support the university and brilliant financial management has led to ND’s endowment now standing at seventh among private universities—larger than Chicago and Columbia and Northwestern. Old buildings are torn down and new ones constructed at a rapid rate. More impressive edifices are planned in the future. Last summer a 10-year plan entitled Notre Dame 2033: A Strategic Framework was released, and it stipulates th...

Don’t brush right after you eat. Dentists say there’s one thing you should do after every meal that’s better for oral (and overall) health…..

Experts say there’s one more way to look after your teeth and gums: rinsing your mouth with water after you eat.  Why rinsing your mouth after you eat is an excellent oral health practice In order to understand the power of rinsing out your mouth post-breakfast, lunch, snacks, and dinner, you first need to understand pH. PH—or potential hydrogen—is the level of acidic and basic compounds in the body, with 0 being the most acidic, 7 being neutral, and 14 being the most basic, or alkaline. Ideally, your mouth should remain at a neutral or basic pH, but mealtime can make your mouth more acidic.  “Every time you eat, your saliva breaks food down for digestion, which will create an acid by-product,” explains Lilya Horowitz, DDS, of Domino Dental in Brooklyn, N.Y. “This leads to more b...

When you read ‘Catholicism Everywhere,’ you will enter body and soul into a more joyful and appreciative Catholic life…

By Dr. Jeff Mirus ( bio – articles – email ) | Apr 16, 2024 | In Reviews It’s a good title, but it’s not mine. Instead, Catholicism Everywhere is a delightful new book from Sophia Institute Press, a coffee-table sort of book which highlights the Catholic origins of and contributions to just about every aspect of our lives from the calendar and health care, through food and fashion and gardening, and on to the Catholic roots of common expressions, including the “Hail Mary” pass in football. Packed with pictures, highlights, and entertaining descriptions of the Catholic impact on an immense variety of things we all take for granted, Catholicism Everywhere was created by Dr. Helen Hoffner, a long-time Catholic educator who is a professor at Holy Family University in Philadelphia. ...

Free Speech Wins: Belgian Court Overturns ‘Nazi-Like’ Ban on Conference Featuring Cardinal Müller…

Cardinal Müller told author Rod Dreher that the attempt to shut down the conference was ‘like Nazi Germany.’ BRUSSELS — Belgium’s highest court ruled late last night that a conference upholding conservative values in the public square could go ahead in the country’s capital after a Brussels district mayor had ordered police to shut it down yesterday.  Emir Kir issued the order to halt the National Conservatism conference that was scheduled to take place April 16-17 and which featured among its speakers the Vatican’s former doctrinal chief, Cardinal Gerhard Müller.  Police surrounded the venue on Tuesday, denying access to speakers and guests.  The conference, organized by the Edmund Burke Foundation, a public affairs institute, aims to promote conservatism as “inextricably t...

Does God have room for me?

Some time ago a message was forwarded to my attention about a gentleman inquiring about the OCIA process. The message in itself was nothing out of the ordinary as the gentleman wanted to know when he could start the OCIA because he had been studying and searching for a long time. He told me over the phone that he had realized that the Catholic Church was the Church of Jesus Christ and earnestly wanted to be home. He went on to describe his slow and steady path toward Christ and eventually gaining the courage and trust to give his life to Christ. As he continued to share his journey with subdued excitement if there was such an act of faith, he reached out to a local Catholic parish and shared his story. The parish response was painful but not unusual, he was informed to come back in August ...

Canadian doctors amputate 2 healthy fingers of man with ‘bodily integrity dysphoria’…

In “the first described [case] about digits amputation,” Canadian doctors surgically removed two healthy fingers from a young man experiencing “body integrity dysphoria” (BID). The sad, bizarre account, published March 27 in the open-access journal Clinical Case Reports, is linked to surgical interventions for gender dysphoria. This similar yet distinct case underscores the dangers of gender ideology from a slightly different vantage point, one which circumvents the deceptive veil of civil rights language which conceals the harms of gender transition procedures. Distress A 20-year-old man felt “profound distress over his left hand’s fourth and fifth fingers,” according to the case report. He hid his fingers by keeping them flexed, which impaired his dexterity and caused localized pain. He ...

From movies to streaming video, we live in a numbing age of visual sermons…..

This is not a journal article that dates back to my Communicator on Culture days at Denver Seminary. This is an article from early in my life as an Orthodox Christian, when I was asked — by the publishing team with the Antiochian Christian Archdiocese — to explain to clergy and laypeople what I learned from teaching mass-communication subjects in a seminary. Yes, once again, lots of people hear, “Popular culture apologetics class at a seminary” and immediately think,” Oh! He’s going to teach preachers how to use movie clips to illustrate their sermons.” Nope, that’s never been one of my goals. Try to imagine video display screens hanging in Orthodox churches. Not gonna happen (and thank God for that). What we have here is an essay about what I believe is the religious ROLE that mass media ...

The Shepherd’s Voice: Looking Ahead to the Fourth Sunday of Easter…

Readings:Acts 4:8–12Psalm 118:1, 8–9, 21–23, 26, 291 John 3:1–2John 10:11–18 Jesus, in today’s Gospel, says that He is the good shepherd the prophets had promised to Israel. He is the shepherd-prince, the new David—who frees people from bondage to sin and gathers them into one flock, the Church, under a new covenant, made in His blood (see Ezekiel 34:10–13, 23–31). His flock includes other sheep, He says, far more than the dispersed children of Israel (see Isaiah 56:8; John 11:52). And He gave His Church the mission of shepherding all peoples to the Father. In today’s First Reading, we see the beginnings of that mission in the testimony of Peter, whom the Lord appointed shepherd of His Church (see John 21:15–17). Peter tells Israel’s leaders that the Psalm we sing today is a prophecy of th...

Restoring the Catholic grand-dame of New Orleans…

Areas of Catholic Herald business are still recovering post-pandemic. However, we are reaching out to the Catholic community and readership, that has been so loyal to the Catholic Herald. Please join us on our 135 year mission by supporting us. We are raising £250,000 to safeguard the Herald as a world-leading voice in Catholic journalism and teaching. We have been a bold and influential voice in the church since 1888, standing up for traditional Catholic culture and values. Please consider donating. Services Marketplace – Listings, Bookings & Reviews Entertainment blogs & Forums

Benedict’s Birthday, and Roman Jalapeños…

Benedict’s birthday, and Roman jalapeños Skip to content Hey everybody, Greetings from Rome, where Ed and I have traveled for a few days of Pillar meetings. Well, actually, I got here this morning, and Ed will show up in a couple of hours. First, let me acknowledge that when Ed and I travel, The Pillar produces just a little bit less. For example, I’ve got two important news reports I had hoped to write while I was on airplanes yesterday. But I had two flights, and two middle seats in a row, and I found it impossible to work from either one of them. I’ll do them after I send this newsletter, I promise!  So I’m sorry for the slight dip in news production that you experience when we’re traveling. But it’s worth it — making somewhat regular trips to the Eternal City is an important...

‘Little Miracle of Lille’: How a Candlelight Mass Gathers Hundreds of Young People Every Week in France…

LILLE, France — “The good makes no noise,” St. Francis de Sales would say of Lille’s candlelight Mass.  Indeed, while France regularly shows itself to be at the forefront of the de-Christianization of the West and recently made headlines for its constitutionalization of abortion, the embers of Christian renewal are already igniting — quietly yet powerfully — on the country’s northern horizon.  Every Tuesday evening at 10 p.m., between 800 and 900 students converge on the historic St. Joseph’s Chapel at Lille Catholic University for a candlelight Mass. This number has been growing month after month since the initiative was launched in 2016 and has significantly increased the number of new catechumens there journeying towards baptism.  For its initiators, this unexpectedly suc...