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Pope Francis Names Secretaries of Doctrinal and Disciplinary Sections of CDF…

When the new apostolic constitution comes into force on June 5, the Vatican’s doctrinal and disciplinary office will also be known by a new name, the Dicastery for the Doctrine of the Faith.

Matteo will lead the CDF’s Doctrinal Section, which is responsible for matters “having to do with the promotion and protection of the doctrine of faith and morals,” according to the motu proprio, Fidem servare, issued by Pope Francis on Feb. 14.

The theologian and professor at the Pontifical Urbaniana University is originally from the Archdiocese of Catanzaro-Squillace in Calabria in southern Italy. He was served as the adjunct under-secretary of the CDF since April 2021.

Matteo holds a degree in philosophy from the Catholic University of the Sacred Heart in Milan and a doctorate in theology from the Pontifical Gregorian University in Rome.

The Doctrinal Section examines curial documents before their publication to assure they are doctrinally sound. Pope Francis said it will also examine “writings and opinions which appear problematic for the correct faith, encouraging dialogue with their authors and proposing the appropriate suitable remedies to be applied.”

The section will also be responsible for issues regarding Anglican personal ordinariates.

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