matthew kelly catholic interivew

Seeking Joy While Carrying Burdens: Matthew Kelly & Tammy Bullock

Matthew Kelly: One of Jesus’s essential invitations is that we lay down our lives, and that we do it in relation to our gifting and in relation to the needs of the world at this time. I think there is a great explosion that occurs when our gifting meets the deepest needs of our time. Seeking Joy While Carrying Burdens: Matthew Kelly & Tammy Bullock – Episode #160 Narrator: Welcome to the Jesus Calling Podcast. Today’s guests have discovered, through time and testing, how to find joy amid difficult circumstances and bring that joy to a hurting world: author and speaker Matthew Kelly, and nonprofit leader Tammy Bullock. For decades, Australia native Matthew Kelly has tried to meet God’s people where they are and encourage them to move toward where God is calling them. He’s written more t...

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