New Years resolutions

Love Works

Learn to relate to others through My Love rather than yours. Your human love is ever so limited, full of flaws and manipulation.My loving Presence, which always enfolds you,is available to bless others as well as you.Jesus Calling, May 12 Let’s face it: 2020 was a difficult year, and we are ready for a better 2021. COVID-19 wreaked havoc on our lives. We went from a booming economy to great uncertainty almost overnight. We have seen illness, death, job loss, social unrest, increased anxiety, a bitter presidential election, and a loss of normalcy in our lives. We are grieving over many things, including the sense of security many thought we possessed. But the truth is, the only things we can control are our own actions and attitudes. As we turn the page on 2020, I think we should seek to li...

Finding True Satisfaction

I am the culmination of all your hopes and desires. . . . I have lifted you out of darkness into My marvelous light. – Jesus Calling, October 11   What is your heart longing for? It’s the time of year we start pondering our New Year’s resolutions, and all the things we want to gain, achieve, and experience in the months ahead. We dream about how we could be happier, healthier, and more fulfilled 365 days from now. It’s easy to create that resolutions list and think, If I could just have this or do that, I’ll finally be happy. We think if we could lose those pounds, get that job, buy that car, then we’ll experience lasting contentment. But the problem is, we confuse our current desire with our core longing, the message each of our hearts so desperately longs to hear. We hope, plan...