serial killer’s daughter book

A Father’s Betrayal, a Daughter’s Path to Forgiveness: Kerri Rawson

Kerri Rawson, had her identity ripped from her at 26 years old, when authorities arrested her father, Dennis Rader, who plead guilty in 2005 to being the notorious BTK serial killer. Through her tremendous faith, Kerri found the strength to forgive the man who ruined eight families, including her own, and the courage to tell her story, first through ministry and now in her book A Serial Killer’s Daughter: My Story of Faith, Love, and Overcoming. Kerri Rawson: When you’re you’re in such a hard awful place, and you’re questioning everything and you’re questioning God and you’re questioning your faith and you’re questioning your father who made you go to church and then was the opposite of a Christian—like, to have people actually love and care from you from that place spoke volumes to me. Na...

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