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What to Do in a Dry Place

What to Do in a Dry Place

If you’re reading this post in this season of your life, then maybe you’re in a dry place. Or maybe you’re reading this because you’d like to know more about what to do in this particular condition. Well, in either case, I believe the Lord has led you to the right place and at just the right time. So, let’s talk about the wilderness experience and what to do when you’re in it.

For starters, I’m going to begin with “Why?” And it could be for a few reasons. The first would be unconfessed or known sin. The second could be testing. And the third could be preparation. If you examined your life right now, I would consider all three and tackle each one. In other words, go through the process of elimination and acceptance.

The elimination part would be to go to God and ask Him, “Have I offended you in any way, Lord? Is there something that I’ve done – a sin that I’m not aware of that’s causing the silence?” Psalm 139:23-24 states, “Search me, O God, and know my heart; test me and know my anxious thoughts. Point out anything in me that offends you, and lead me along the path of everlasting life.”

The other part would be to examine your recent actions or activities to see if you’ve sinned in some way and then confess, ask for forgiveness, and repent. First John 1:9 says, “But if we confess our sins to him, he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness.”

So, if there is unconfessed or known sin in your heart, take some time today to pray these verses as well as Psalm 51:10, “Create in me a clean heart, O God, and renew a right spirit within me.” And then let go of any condemnation and begin moving forward in your walk with the Lord. Don’t hang there, because once you confess and repent, you are forgiven. Receive it and embrace the release that comes with confession and genuine-hearted repentance.

Now, moving forward with testing and preparation. I think these two can be lumped together, because I believe that there is testing, while you’re being prepared to do a mighty work for the Lord or to go through something hard that you’ll be able to handle. There were many in the Bible who went into a wilderness experience to prepare for their assignments and purpose such as Abraham, Moses, Elijah, and Jesus, Himself, just to name a few (it actually wouldn’t be such a bad idea to read up on their stories during this time).

From experience, I know when you’re in a dry place, it seems like God is so far away. He seems so distant. So quiet. So unconcerned. I get it. I’ve been there, before.

So, I know what it’s like to feel frustrated, discouraged, uncertain, confused, and lonely during that period of spiritual drought. Yet, I also want to encourage you that when you’re in that dry place to not get so upset with God like Job did in the Bible when the Lord was silent. While, it’s totally okay to cry out to Him and ask questions, if He doesn’t answer you right away, as hard as it may be (as it was for Job and Jesus in the Garden of Gethsemane), trust Him in the silence.

This is when you’ll have to fight to believe and know that He is very present, because His Word promises that He will never leave us nor forsake us. This is where you’ll have to fight to know that He’s got a plan that is way bigger than you can imagine and that everything you’re going through is going to work out for the good in the end (see Romans 8:28).

So again, if it’s not a sin problem, then He’s preparing you for something on the other side. With that being said, be strong in the Lord, my sister. Don’t stop praying. Don’t stop praising. Don’t stop reading the Word. Don’t quit. And don’t stop doing good.

Grow in the dry place – in the wilderness. Allow God to mature you in the desert. Allow Him to strengthen your resolve and build your faith, character, and endurance. Allow Him to mold you, refine you, and shape you into what He needs you to be for others when you come out of it.

If you’re there now, accept where you are and get everything you can out of this time. Draw close to Him. Dig deeper into His Word, even if you don’t feel anything or receive fresh revelation. Feast on the Scriptures that you were already reading before you went into the dry place. And push through it with faith and faithfulness.

Lastly, trust in the Lord and don’t lean on your own understanding. Acknowledge Him and He will direct your path (Proverbs 3:5-6). In the dry place, God may be quiet and seem distant, but I want you to know that He is listening and watching. The brook is coming, sis. It’s up ahead. Just keep pressing and believing in the dry place.

Remember, Jesus is coming back soon! And those who endure unto the end shall be saved. So let’s be ready from the Inside Out!


QUESTION: Are you in a dry place, sis? How are you doing? If you need prayer, you can email me directly and I will pray for you @ I look forward to hearing from you and praying for you. 

*Have a women’s conference or event, let me know and let’s connect on the details! For more information on booking me to speak in 2020, Click here!

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