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The New Maori Queen in New Zealand is Catholic…

By Francesca Pollio Fenton CNA Staff, Sep 7, 2024 / 08:00 am The Maori people, the Indigenous population of mainland New Zealand, have crowned a new queen after the death of their king — and she’s Catholic. King Tuheitia Potatau Te Wherowhero VII die...[Read More]

What Are Some Psalms Worth Memorizing for Different Occasions?

The psalms are the prayer book of the Church. For this reason, we do well not only to pray them regularly, but also to commit to memorizing them by heart so that “His praise will always be on my lips” (Ps 34:1). What follows is a small sampling of ps...[Read More]

Pope Francis Asks Papua New Guinea Catholics to Spread the Gospel to ‘Peripheries’…

Pope Francis called on Catholics in Papua New Guinea on Saturday to continue in their efforts of bringing the Gospel to the most marginalized and remote communities within the country. During a visit to the Shrine of Mary, Help of Christians in Port ...[Read More]

Brothers in Arms, Romeo and Juliet, and Knives Out…

Brothers in arms, Romeo & Juliet, and knives out Skip to content Pillar subscribers can listen to Ed read this Pillar Post here: The Pillar TL;DR Happy Friday friends, There is a war on. We shouldn’t forget that. In fact, there’s more than one. R...[Read More]

In this Sunday’s Gospel, pay attention to Our Lord’s unusual travel route, and these other important details…..

Lay witness has a huge impact, but priests have to be there to provide the sacraments. That’s one important lesson from the readings this Sunday, the Twenty-third Sunday in Ordinary Time, Year B. The story told by Mark in the Gospel shows exactly how...[Read More]

NYTimes and AP look at the ideas that led J.D. Vance to become Catholic…

One of the world’s most important newsrooms just offered a finely detailed profile of Catholic convert J.D. Vance and, imagine this, the feature focused on the emotions and ideas that led him to swim the Tiber. This included his intellectual and spir...[Read More]


Happiness Vs. Joy

“The Joy I have in You is independent of my circumstances. I am never separated from You, and in Your Presence there is fullness of Joy!”– Jesus Listens, Octobe...

The Tomorrow Trap

“Teach me how to live more fully in the present— refusing to worry about tomorrow. I really do want to live present tense in Your Presence, making You the main ...

Surrendering Our Desires

by Jamie Ivey “The truth is, You are the Center— and everything revolves around You. So I need to make my plans tentatively, seeking Your Face and Your will in ...

The First Step of Forgiveness: Wanting to Learn How

“Help me to trust You enough to accept the full forgiveness that You offer me continually. This glorious gift cost You Your Life, and it is mine for all eternit...

You Are a Tree (Not a Machine)

by Joy Clarkson “Lord, I want to flourish in Your Presence—like an olive tree flourishing in the house of God. As the sunlight of Your Presence shines upon me, ...

5 Ways To Find Your Purpose

“ My identity as a child of God gives my life meaning and purpose.” – Jesus Listens,October 23rd If you’ve ever asked, What is my purpose? or Do I have a callin...


Happiness Vs. Joy

“The Joy I have in You is independent of my circumstances. I am never separated from You, and in Your Presence there is fullness of Joy!”– Jesus Listens, Octobe...

The Tomorrow Trap

“Teach me how to live more fully in the present— refusing to worry about tomorrow. I really do want to live present tense in Your Presence, making You the main ...

Surrendering Our Desires

by Jamie Ivey “The truth is, You are the Center— and everything revolves around You. So I need to make my plans tentatively, seeking Your Face and Your will in ...

The First Step of Forgiveness: Wanting to Learn How

“Help me to trust You enough to accept the full forgiveness that You offer me continually. This glorious gift cost You Your Life, and it is mine for all eternit...

You Are a Tree (Not a Machine)

by Joy Clarkson “Lord, I want to flourish in Your Presence—like an olive tree flourishing in the house of God. As the sunlight of Your Presence shines upon me, ...

To the Mom Who Can’t Let Go of Her Children

The first day my son backed down the driveway as a driver without me in the passenger seat to guide him, I watched through the window with tears streaming down ...