Following Gods direction

The Heirloom Seed of Discipleship

“Through the intimacy of our relationship, you are being transformed from the inside out.”– Jesus Calling, January 25 Are you a fan of Tabasco hot sauce? You’re not alone. For more than 150 years, people have been grabbing bottle after bottle of the popular hot sauce to add a little zip to their food.  But have you ever heard how Tabasco came to be? It started with seeds In 1868, a man named Edmund Mcllhenny was given seeds to a pepper called Capsicum frutescens, a special variety historians believe came from Mexico or Central America. Mcllhenny planted the seeds at his home in southern Louisiana, and after a couple years of cultivating, he decided to launch a pepper sauce company. And the rest, as they say, is history. Heirloom seeds What strikes me most, besides the fact that E...

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