margaret feinberg

Experience Jesus Like Never Before

I designed you to commune with Me face to Face, and this interaction strengthens your soul. Such communion provides a tiny glimpse of what awaits you in heaven, where all barriers between you and My Glory will be removed. Jesus Calling, August 28 Imagine Jesus standing before you with a golden envelope. It contains an invitation to know and experience Him in ways like never before. If you tear open the contents, you’ll discover Christ anew in His breathtaking beauty, staggering strength, wondrous power, and the depths of His neverending love for you. Would you take the envelope? Or would you say, “Eh, nah. I don’t like the packaging. That’s not for me.” Revelation – The holy exclamation point For far too many years of my life, that’s how I’ve thought of Revelation. Maybe you or those you l...

True Connection with God and Each Other: Darlene Zschech & Margaret Feinberg

Darlene Zschech and Margaret Feinberg have seen God’s presence woven into the fabric of their lives and realized He’s closer to us in ways we might have never imagined. First up, Darlene Zschech grew up in Australia and found commercial success in music at age 10, but decided to leave a career as an entertainer to seek a life in worship and ministry. During In 1993, during a stressful time in her life Darlene found herself at her piano, prayerfully singing her heart to God. The words that flowed out eventually became one of most recognized praise and worship songs of the modern era: “Shout to the Lord.” Now she and her husband pastor together at Hope Unlimited Church. She shares about the joys and heartaches of being a pastor, and writes candidly about her cancer journey in her new book Th...
