Thoughts by Women

Touching Women’s Lives

One woman was caught in the scandalous act of adultery. Another was rejected and ignored because of her promiscuous lifestyle. And even another was shunned for her shameful condition. Nonetheless, Jesus personally reached out to those three while He was on earth. Sharon wanted to use their stories to connect with women in her area. So she prayed and planned an outreach at the community center. She chose to show a film about their stories. Many wept as they viewed the movie Some prayed to receive Christ, while others rededicated their lives to Him. Friend, help others understand true freedom and value are found only in Christ. He still reaches women today no matter what their story might be! To learn more, go to

What is Greatness?

If someone were to ask you the question, “Who was the greatest person who ever lived?” what would be your answer? Moses?  King David? The Apostle Paul?  Abraham Lincoln? What about. . . .John the Baptist? Jesus said, “Among them that are born of women there hath not risen a greater than John the Baptist.” (Matthew 11:11) But why? Why was John the Baptist considered the greatest person who ever lived? He wasn’t the son of a king.  He was the son of a common, elderly couple.He was despised by many and eventually decapitated.He lived in isolation.He fearlessly rebuked the people for sin.He lived a separate way of life.He didn’t even become a priest (like his father). But when his miraculous birth was announced, Gabriel told Zacharias he would be “great in the eyes of the Lord.”...

New Knees

“If anyone is in Christ, the new creation has come: the old has gone, the new is here!” 2 Corinthians 5:17 (TNIV) “Like newborn babies, crave pure spiritual milk, so that by it you may grow up in your salvation…” 1 Peter 2:2 Here I am, preparing again to go to the gym for a strenuous workout. For a person who finds the most pleasurable exercise to be turning the pages of a book, these experiences are not high on my Happiness List. Nine months ago I was the recipient of a new knee. The surgeon assured me that—in time—my mobility would be back to normal with a limping gait and constant pain only a distant memory. The key words in his prognosis were “in time.” While there have been no physical complications, recovery has not been without its challenges. First there were six weeks of therapy a...


Colleen Reece had a career choice to make!  She’d been offered the position as personal assistant to a bank president.  Definitely a step up the ladder for Colleen.  And to add icing to the cake – the salary she was offered was twice what she was making as a school secretary. Colleen had given her life to the Lord many years before.  And a big part of her life since, was counseling at Christian youth camps.  It was something she loved to do.  This new bank job would change all of that!  Her summers would no longer be free. In Revelation 2:4 God reminds His church:  “Do not forsake your first love.” Do the things you did at first. Colleen stayed where she felt God was using her.  And she has never regretted it. Follow God’s leading for your life....