Once upon a starry night
A single star shown ever bright
Outshone angels hovering a field
Telling shepherds who rightly kneeled
Of the birth of the Chosen One
Born of Mary, God’s own Son
Wise men followed that singular star
Traveling for days from afar
With the shepherds they came to see
The King of kings who sets us free
Lying in a lowly manger stall
To save the lost, one and all
Each December I search the sky
But perhaps I should look in mid-July
Since we don’t know when He was born
Was snow on the ground or fields full of corn
But the fact of His birth is true and sure
Faith in His grace will salvation secure
As we gaze upon a starry night
Let us not feud, bicker, and fight
May we prove hate is defeated by love
As we ponder the heavens above
Knowing we are never alone
And mercy sits upon His throne
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