Author: S&P

Why aren’t there solar-powered cars?

Curious Kids is a series for children of all ages. If you have a question you’d like an expert to answer, send it to Why aren’t there solar-powered cars? – Emma, age 16, Springville, Utah Solar cars exist. The best place to see them is the World Solar Challenge, a race that’s held every two years in Australia. Competitors have to drive about 1,870 miles (3,000 ki...

God’s Providential Plan for Us Embraces Everything We Do — Even Politics…

God’s purposes are often unknowable by us, but there’s no question that he has a plan. A chorus of populist theologizing greeted the attempted assassination of Donald Trump. Much of it was along the lines of “Considering that the shot missed killing him by only a couple of inches, God must have been looking out for him.” I fully agree. God certainly was looking out for the former president. So wha...

Was the National Eucharistic Congress a ‘revival’?

Was the Congress a ‘revival’? Skip to content As the National Eucharistic Congress concluded Sunday, it was easy to hear Catholics in Indianapolis comparing the five-day event favorably to 1993’s World Youth Day in Denver, Colorado, and suggesting that the Congress could have an impact on the U.S. Church at the same scale as the historic Denver gathering. A Eucharistic procession is displayed on a...

The Congress, the Olympics, and Cocaine Sharks…

The Congress, the Olympics, and cocaine sharks Skip to content Pillar subscribers can listen to JD read this Pillar Post here: The Pillar TL;DR Hey everybody, Today is the 16th Wednesday in Ordinary Time, and you’re reading The Tuesday Pillar Post. If you’re not sure why you’re reading The Tuesday Pillar Post on Wednesday, well, I sent you a note about it yesterday. But the long and short of it is...

The rumors about this new suppression of the TLM? Stay tuned…..

By Phil Lawler ( bio – articles – email ) | Jul 19, 2024 The American presidential race has provided plenty of headlines for the secular outlets this week. As for news of the Catholic world? Not so much. The National Eucharistic Congress was a spectacular event, apparently inspiring many thousands of the faithful. But while adoration of the Blessed Sacrament is at the heart of Catholic...

How the Ancient Christians Can Give You Hope and Teach You to Spread the Faith…

In times like these, it’s easy to despair about evangelization in the modern world. But a new Ignatius Press book by Mike Aquilina, Rabbles, Riots, and Ruins: Twelve Ancient Cities and How They Were Evangelized, not only offers some much-needed hope when thinking about evangelizing today’s culture but also serves as a guide on how to go about it. The Register caught up with the book’s author at hi...

Kamala Harris’ Record on Catholic Issues: What You Need to Know…

By Tyler Arnold Washington, D.C. Newsroom, Jul 24, 2024 / 18:00 pm With President Joe Biden bowing out of the 2024 presidential race following intense pressure from within his own party, Vice President Kamala Harris is the likely Democratic nominee to face former president Donald Trump in November’s general election. Harris was raised by a Christian father and a Hindu mother an...

‘Brethren, What Shall We Do?’…

“Brethren, what shall we do?” (Acts 2: 37) Such was the response of “devout men from every nation under heaven” (Acts 2:5) to St. Peter’s Pentecost Discourse. The Holy Scriptures tell us that “that they were cut to the heart” (Acts 2:37). St. Peter had proclaimed to them the truth of the Redemptive Incarnation with these words: Jesus of Nazareth, a man attested to you by God with mighty works and ...

Carmelite Friends of Pope Francis in Spain to Leave Convent After 400 Years…

The 412-year uninterrupted presence of the Discalced Carmelites in the Lucena monastery will end. The community of Discalced Carmelites of San José monastery in Lucena in Spain’s Córdoba province, to whom Pope Francis sent several messages because of his friendship with a former prioress, is being forced to leave after the order’s presence of more than 400 years in the city due to lack of vocation...

J.D. Vance is a Catholic ‘post-liberal.’ Here’s what that means — and why it matters…

J.D. Vance is an election away from becoming the first Catholic vice president from the Republican Party. But the Ohio senator, who is running alongside Donald Trump on the GOP ticket, is not your typical Catholic conservative — at least not the kind that has been the norm in American politics over the past half-century. Instead, Vance is a self-described member of the “post-liberal right,” an ups...

Vatican failed to reveal Ireland’s Bishop Eamonn Casey suspended due to child abuse allegations…

Areas of Catholic Herald business are still recovering post-pandemic. However, we are reaching out to the Catholic community and readership, that has been so loyal to the Catholic Herald. Please join us on our 135 year mission by supporting us. We are raising £250,000 to safeguard the Herald as a world-leading voice in Catholic journalism and teaching. We have been a bold and influential voice in ...

The Hard Reality of Disagreement in Marriage…

Open disagreement between spouses, or even just not seeing eye to eye, can be very painful. It is also quite common. Central to the art of marriage is to be able to accept this while also addressing it. Experience shows that it is to be expected. To some extent then, disagreement need not mean that anything has gone wrong. We do well to begin by recognizing that how we deal with disagreement is pr...