Author: S&P

Neutrality and Nobility: How the Order of Malta Runs Its Diplomatic Service…

Neutrality and Nobility: How the Order of Malta runs its diplomatic service Skip to content The Sovereign Military Order of Malta has, for 900 years, existed in a unique legal space. Founded as a hospitaller order of noble knights during the middle ages, it eventually found itself as the sovereign rulers of various territories, including the islands of Rhoades and of Malta, finally losing control ...

Catholic’s Ministry Is Collecting Used Religious Objects to Give to Churches in Need of Them…

ITHACA, N.Y. (OSV News) — While cleaning out your house or a loved one’s, you come across a batch of rosaries, crucifixes and other religious artifacts. You hesitate to throw them out, recoiling at the thought of treating such spiritually significant items as mere garbage. Yet you may not wish to keep them for yourself. What to do? One popular option — as Erika Lindsell knows from experience — is ...

New Study of St. Teresa of Avila’s Relics Reveals ‘Incredible’ Initial Findings …

Examiners: St. Teresa of Avila must have lived with a lot of pain As Aleteia reported earlier this year, the largest part of the remains of St. Teresa of Avila have been exhumed for analysis and study. The saint’s body remains in the state that it was in the last time it was exhumed, in the early 1900s. Initial findings from these analyses have been reported in an interview with two radiographers,...

The Vatican Pushes for Peace as the War in Ukraine Approaches Its Third Winter…

As the brutal fighting in Ukraine approaches its third winter with no end in sight, the Vatican has once again dispatched Italian Cardinal Matteo Maria Zuppi to push for peace. Cardinal Zuppi, who is Pope Francis’ special envoy to Ukraine, embarked on his second visit to Moscow on Monday, where he will “assess further efforts to facilitate the reunification of Ukrainian children with their familie...

The Third Crisis of the Church: What It Means and 5 Things You Can Do…

The Cambridge historian Richard Rex has noted that the first great crisis in Christianity was over the nature of the Trinity, especially over the nature of Christ, hence the early Christological heresies. The second great crisis, associated with the Reformation, was over the nature of the Church. This entailed the Protestant attack on sacramentality and the sacred hierarchy. The third great crisis...

God or Nothing? Modern Science Points Only One Way, Says French Author…

God or nothing? Modern science points only one way, says French author Skip to content Michel-Yves Bolloré is the co-author of “God: The science, the evidence,” a new book that aims to lay out the scientific evidence for the existence of God.  In a text spanning nearly 600 pages, he and his co-author Olivier Bonassies, argue that factors such as the thermal death and expansion of the universe...

The 4 Forgotten Martyrs of the American Southwest…

July 17, 1781, in Yuma, Arizona, was, like virtually all July days along the lower Colorado River, filled with bright sunshine and extreme heat. Soon it also would be filled with the screams of warriors, the musket shots of soldiers, and the moans of the dying.  The Quechan Indians had risen up against the Spaniards among them. Within four days, 131 Spanish would be dead, including four Franc...

Archaeologists Uncover One of the World’s Oldest Churches: ‘Sensational Testimony to Early Christianity’…

Archaeologists have unearthed the remains of an Armenian church dating back almost 2,000 years, making it the oldest structure of its kind in the country and one of the oldest in the world. Germany’s University of Münster, which partnered with a team at the Armenian Academy of Sciences on the archaeological dig, announced the discovery Friday and called it “a sensational testimony to e...

How to Make a Family Necrology — and Why You Should Do It…

What Is Necrology A necrology refers to a list or record of individuals who have died, especially within a specific community, organization, or during a particular time period. In the context of the Church, religious orders will keep necrologies to record the anniversary of the death of the members of the Order. This gives the community the opportunity to remember to pray for the repose of the sou...

What Does Heaven Cost? A Homily for the 28th Sunday of the Year…

The Sunday Gospel invites us to wrestle with these fundamental, essential, focal questions: “What does Heaven cost?” and “Am I willing to pay it?” I. Problematic Pondering – A rich man asks Jesus, Good teacher, what must I do to inherit eternal life? Though his question is a good one, it is problematic because he couches it in terms of his own personal power and achievement. He wonders w...

Carry No Purse, No Bag, No Sandals…..

Having wealth is damaging to the pursuit of the kingdom because the very having does something to one’s inner life, one’s very ability to love God for his own goodness and others in and for him.”― Fr. Thomas Dubay Today’s Gospel at Mass had me thinking about a homily I heard a few years ago in Omaha on Luke 10:4, which contains Jesus’ instructions for the disciples as he sends them out on mission:...

Pope’s Sunday Angelus: ‘True Wealth Is to Be Looked Upon With Love by God’…

Angelus Angelus Dómini nuntiávit Mariæ.Et concépit de Spíritu Sancto.Ave Maria… Ecce ancílla Dómini.Fiat mihi secúndum verbum tuum.Ave Maria… Et Verbum caro factum est.Et habitávit in nobis.Ave Maria… Ora pro nobis, sancta Dei génetrix.Ut digni efficiámur promissiónibus Christi. Orémus.Grátiam tuam, quǽsumus, Dómine,méntibus nostris infunde;ut qui, Ángelo nuntiánte, Christi Fílii...

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