Author: S&P

Advent III: Rejoice! God Is With Us

Introduction The third Sunday in Advent (Advent III) shifts from a tone of expectation of Christ’s coming to one of rejoicing at the arrival of God’s kingdom with the coming of Jesus. The Scripture and Theology of the Third Week of Advent Scripture readings for Advent III reflect on the salvation and restoration Jesus brings, which is cause for rejoicing and perseverance. Old Testament Readings &n...

The Need for Advent

[Editor’s Note: This has been adapted from Paul Tripp’s Christmas devotional, “Advent: The Whole Story.” Download your free copy today at] Could you get any more graphic, more specific, more all-inclusive words than these? “The Lord saw that the wickedness of man was great in the earth, and that every intention of the thoughts of hi...

7 Errors to Avoid in Following Christ

What you believe makes a big difference in your Christian life. Even if the categories of formal theology seem remote and unfamiliar, you have a theology. Everything you think about God, Jesus, law, sin, salvation, holiness, the Spirit, the church, human nature, life, death, and eternity is theological. We are all theologians. The real question is whether or not our theologies are true to Scriptur...

Christmas Carol for a Divided Nation

One of my U.S. history students recently asked me what my favorite Christmas song was.  There are many that I love, and I told him that I couldn’t possibly choose just one, but as a historian—and a specialist on the American Civil War, particularly—I have always been deeply moved by I Heard the Bells on Christmas Day.  In its original form it’s not heard too much these days, although sev...

From Kiev to Ferguson: Stable Words in an Unstable World

Just a few hours ago I stood at the square in Kiev where one year ago over a million people gathered to protest Russia’s ruthless attempt at breaking Ukraine. The pictures, the flowers, the memory of the many dead scream in the silence. Ukrainian youth and others paid with their lives, and the pictures reveal the savagery of the oppressors. It was a biting cold sixteen degrees as I recorded ...

7 Ways to Approach the Bible

If you’re a Christian, you believe reading the Bible is important. But how should you approach it in the first place? What kind of “heart posture” is necessary? God cares deeply about these questions. Here are seven ways we ought to approach his Word. 1. Approach It Humbly The Bible is empirical evidence that the Maker of the universe is a God who initiates, who reveals, who talks. There are, afte...

Advent II: The Messiah Is Coming

  Introduction The second Sunday in Advent (Advent II) continues on the path started in the first week by looking forward to Christ’s first and second coming. Advent II focuses on John the Baptist, the Gentiles being included in God’s family, Christ’s coming in judgment and peace, and the church’s hopeful expectation of the completion of his promises. The Scripture and Theology of the Second ...

6 Ways Christians Should Respond to Eric Garner’s Death

I am a law and order guy. I believe it is vital to our well-being as a society to support law enforcement and give them the benefit of the doubt. I believe that the vast majority of cops are competent and trustworthy. I was bothered by much of the commentary following the death of Michael Brown in Ferguson, MO. At times it seemed like a race to see which white evangelicals could appear the most em...

Unemployed and Embarrassed

For many Christians, being unemployed is just embarrassing. Suddenly, we find ourselves without a job. We are, perhaps without success, seeking employment.  But we can’t help asking ourselves, “What are people thinking about my being out of work?  Do they think I’m lazy, no good, or just a freeloader?”  No doubt, being without a job can be embarrassing e...

What Is Advent?

What Is Advent? History & Meaning For many Christians unfamiliar with the liturgical year, there may be some confusion surrounding the meaning of the Advent season. Some people may know that the Advent season focuses on expectation and think that it serves as an anticipation of Christ’s birth in the season leading up to Christmas. This is part of the story, but there’s more to Advent. The word...

Here’s Why You Really Need Christmas

Time off work, a year-end bonus, receiving gifts on your wish list… none of those things are bad in themselves. But you can get all of those things without Christmas. So, they can’t be the ultimate reason you need Christmas, right? Maybe you’re on the opposite side of the spectrum: you don’t think you need Christmas at all. The decorating, awkward family gatherings, shopping, and...

Ladder or Cross?

While the cross may be the symbol we treasure in Christianity, the way most of us Christians live is as if the symbol of our faith is a ladder rather than cross. We like our Christianity to be muscular, triumphant. We’ve come to believe that the Christian life is a progression from weakness to strength—“Started from the bottom, now we’re here” (Drake) seems to be the victory chant of mod...