
God Cares for the Caregivers

“I will never leave you nor forsake you! My Presence watches over you continually.” – Jesus Calling, August 1 September 24, 2002, should have been a day of celebration. It was my wife Laura and I’s fourteenth wedding anniversary, and life was good.  Laura’s to-do list that day included a doctor’s visit. She called me that afternoon with the news—the doctor had found a lump, and he could tell by the shape and texture that it was likely malignant.  Our lives changed that day. While I had loved my roles as husband, father, lover, spiritual leader, provider, and friend, I now had to add “caregiver” to that list. A new role and a new dedication When Laura got the biopsy results, the first thing we did was to pray together. Praying together was a daily thing for us, and we certainly ne...

Sebastianus & afra köln 2012 e.