“Sin” is a small word with big implications. We can all agree that there is evil in the world. You don’t have to look far to see evidence of evil in people. And it’s not simply black and white; good people and bad people. It is so much more nuanced than that, no person is purely good and no one is totally evil either. Wherever you draw the lines, if you follow a moral law, or civil law, you can’t deny there are always gray areas. But when we say sin we mean how the Bible means it. Sin means all the ways we break God’s laws. All the ways that we reject God and choose our own way. The Bible tells us that there is no one who is “righteous” which means sinless. There is not one person who has not violated the laws of God. What is Gods law and why does it matter? You shall have no other gods be...
There are stories about Jesus from all over the world. The most important story about Jesus is, of course, in the Bible, where we can trace the most important years of His life. Those years that Jesus was on earth have had the desired effect; namely that the stories about Jesus have been passed on and written down. This is how we get to know him. And because he is still alive today, everyone can form his or her own story or relationship with Jesus and God. Do you know or do you have a personal story with Jesus? Testimonies of Christians from the past The very first testimonies of Christians about Jesus are in the Bible. The first four books of the New Testament in the Bible are about Jesus and were written separately by four different people, Matthew, Mark, Luke and John. The stories from ...