You may have heard many stories and opinions about Jesus. In the end it comes down to the question: what do you think about him? I have had many discussions with people about Jesus. He seems to be a good man for many people. Inspirational. Who do you think Jesus is? Just a good man? C.S. Lewis, the writer of Narnia, said this: “When you hear Jesus say that he is God ,one of the following must be true. Jesus is a: Lunatic: Jesus was not God, but he mistakenly believed that he was. Liar: Jesus was not God, and he knew it, but he said so anyway. Lord: Jesus is God. In this part of Jesus’ life, people are also having debates. Who is Jesus really? We try to get real proof of everything. We only believe what we see, and even then we doubt. Authorities deny that Jesus is the Messiah. People who s...
Maslow’s pyramid is well-known. We have our primary needs. In Jesus’ life we get another perspective. Maslow’s pyramid is well-known. We have our primary needs. If not fulfilled, we struggle. Hunger and thirst. They are primary elements of our daily life. They determine our everyday rhythm. We live from meal to meal. And if we don’t eat and drink, we’ll die. We cannot even think about the next level of Maslow. In Jesus’ life we get another perspective. Jesus knows this is crucial for our bodies, but he opens our eyes for other things. His view and perspective of life is broader and larger. Even beyond the level that Maslow talks about. Jesus looks beyond death, our body etc. He shows that food and drinks help to maintain our bodies, but they will never fulfill forever. We will be hungry ag...
As humans we are limited by laws and forces of nature. Jesus however breaks through those limitations and challenges our thinking. When I was young, I imagined a game in which there was no gravity. I could jump from a chair and fly through the room. The shock was big and the crash was hard when I ended up on the floor Daily, we’re dealing with our own limitations. Gravity keeps us ‘on the ground’ we cannot fly. Speed has its limitations. Forces of nature cannot be changed. The wind blows and will not stop in a moment’s time. In fact, it is hard to deal with things we don’t understand. Does prayer make a difference? If we cannot explain it, how could it change something? Can sick people be healed without the right medicine? We cannot imagine this. Much less, believe in life after death. I...
Faith is believing that things can happen that you cannot imagine. Bigger than your imagination or explanation. Jesus challenges our belief by doing miracles. How often have you dealt with things you couldn’t imagine, but happened anyway in the end. Like with a magician.When I was younger I ruined my friend’s bike one day. What was I going to do? I could never fix this or cover the costs. How was I going to get myself out of this trouble. But I had an idea. My father could repair it. I had faith in him. I don’t know how he did it, but he was able to fix the bike really well. Faith is believing that things can happen that you cannot imagine. Bigger than your imagination or explanation. This is what happens in this story of Jesus’ life. A big picnic. 5,000 men. Many women and children. Let’s...
“I can do nothing on my own authority; I judge only as God tells me, so my judgement is right, because I am not trying to do what I want, but only what he who sent me wants. “If I testify on my own behalf, what I say is not to be accepted as real proof. But there is someone else who testifies on my behalf, and I know that what he says about me is true. John is the one to whom you sent your messengers, and he spoke on behalf of the truth. It is not that I must have a human witness; I say this only in order that you may be saved. John was like a lamp, burning and shining, and you were willing for a while to enjoy his light. But I have a witness on my behalf which is even greater than the witness that John gave: what I do, that is, the deeds my Father gave me to do, these speak on my behalf a...
People have different opinions about Jesus and most are positive. You can see Jesus in various ways. But the question is how does Jesus want you to see him? Once I was on the street interviewing people. Asking them their opinion about Jesus. Who do you think he is? What are your thoughts about him? I assumed I would get a negative answer by asking people, but the reality was the opposite. What I found out was that most people like Jesus. And that seems a generic opinion. Even atheists like his character and find his life inspiring. Jesus is a great inspiring example for many people. Muslims have him in their Koran. I guess when we do a survey that almost everyone on this planet would appreciate him at the least.. During the time Jesus lived on earth, he was doing great miracles. Changing w...
If you are sick you need medical treatment. Not some hocus pocus power. Yet Jesus claims he can speak words of healing. Can you believe it? People who are sick need to go to a doctor or a hospital. Not to a shady charlatan, right? Someone who can heal by saying magic words. They say “The power of words”. Does something change when you say something? Can you heal a person by just using language? I can not easily imagine something like this. We need medicine or a medical operation to be healed. Just speaking to someone doesn’t change your physical condition, right? Although, when you speak kind words to someone, this can change their day. Reading a book to a child can give a very safe and warm feeling. Words make some difference at least. From Jesus’ life, we learn that his words have more p...
Can you ever really trust someone? In this story we meet an important man, who’s desperate for his son is ill. Jesus promises to help him. But can he be trusted? Some people say: Trust nobody. Always be suspicious. And sometimes they are right… But can you trust a promise? That’s not easy to do! Have you ever had a promise that was so huge, it took a lot of faith in that person to believe it would come true. When I was young, I wanted to sell my motorbike to someone. She did not have the money with her, but she promised to send me the money later. I did not know her that well, but my dad said I could trust her. It was hard for me, but I gave the motorbike to her and trusted her. But I was a little bit nervous. No need, it turned out that she transferred the money immediately after she got ...
Movement doesn’t start by itself. Something or someone has to set things in motion. If you are inspired by someone, you often share your enthusiasm. People who met Jesus did too! Do you know this video about starting a movement? A movement doesn’t start by itself. Someone needs to take the initiative. Someone steps forward and shows what he or she has an interest in. And then others follow. I was thinking about this when I read the message of the woman that Jesus talked to. She was on fire for Jesus. A woman with a negative reputation went into the city and she shared what Jesus had shown her. He knew everything about her, cared for her and gave her something that she never experienced before: hope, eternal life, perspective. She was not an experienced Jesus-follower and did not have years...
The Pharisees heard that Jesus was winning and baptizing more disciples than John. (Actually, Jesus himself did not baptize anyone; only his disciples did.) So when Jesus heard what was being said, he left Judea and went back to Galilee; on his way there he had to go through Samaria. In Samaria he came to a town named Sychar, which was not far from the field that Jacob had given to his son Joseph. Jacob’s well was there, and Jesus, tired out by the journey, sat down by the well. It was about noon. A Samaritan woman came to draw some water, and Jesus said to her, “Give me a drink of water.” (His disciples had gone into town to buy food.) The woman answered, “You are a Jew, and I am a Samaritan — so how can you ask me for a drink?” (Jews will not use the same cups and bowls that Samari...
Jealousy is all around. We compare ourselves with others. We want to feel important. In this story people ask John how he feels about Jesus outshining him. His answer is extraordinary. Jealousy is all around. We live in a world where we compare all the time. We put our best pictures on Facebook, we show our successes on Instagram and share with everyone how good we are. I love getting new gadgets. A new phone, a new watch. I do all I can to get it, but when I have it, I am used to it very soon and want something new, better, nicer. In this story of Jesus’ biography, we read that the students of John, the great baptist, are arguing with him. John was one of the biggest teachers of that time. He was compared to the most well-known prophet of the old times Elijah. John was preaching and bapti...
There was a wedding in the town of Cana in Galilee. Jesus’ mother was there, and Jesus and his disciples had also been invited to the wedding. When the wine had given out, Jesus’ mother said to him, “They have no wine left.”“You must not tell me what to do,” Jesus replied. “My time has not yet come.” Jesus’ mother then told the servants, “Do whatever he tells you.” The Jews have rules about ritual washing, and for this purpose six stone water jars were there, each one large enough to hold about a hundred litres. Jesus said to the servants, “Fill these jars with water.” They filled them to the brim, and then he told them, “Now draw some water out and take it to the man in charge of the feast.” They took him the water, which now had turned into wine, and he tasted it. He di...