trusting God

Last Picked Has Its Perks

“When I prize You above all else, delighting in You as my First Love, I’m protected from feeling fragmented. You are the One who completes me, and You’re training me to bring my thoughts back to You whenever they wander from Your Presence. Thank You for Your patient work in me, Lord.” – Jesus Listens,March 12th Have you ever been picked last? Or not picked at all? Maybe classmates didn’t choose you for their dodgeball team, or you were never asked to the prom, or you sat out the songs for couples at the roller rink. After two decades of living sober and following Jesus, I’ve learned great news: we can surrender every hurt and offense to Almighty God. Although this type of submission can be difficult, it produces supernatural results. Years ago, I was a small-market news anchor in Duluth, M...

When You Serve Them, You Serve God

“Because of Your amazing sacrifice for me, I want to serve You with every fiber of my being. I know that my service is woefully inadequate. Nonetheless, when I yield myself to Your will, You bless me with Joy.”– Jesus Listens, July 4th And the King shall answer and say unto them, “Verily I say unto you, Inasmuch as ye have done it unto one of the least of these my brethren, ye have done it unto me” Matthew 25:40 (KJV). I grew up reading the King James Version of the Bible, which, although a gift to the world for four hundred years, was not very helpful for a child trying to comprehend the storyline, and even worse when developing your own nascent vocabulary. Speaking Elizabethan English to your peers in elementary school is a quick pathway to being shunned like Esther Prynes, if only for y...

Weaving a Web of Faith

“Through reading Your Word, I’ve seen that waiting, trusting, and hoping are intricately connected— like golden strands woven together to form a strong chain. I think of trusting as the central strand because this attitude is taught so frequently throughout the Bible. Waiting and hoping embellish the central strand and strengthen the chain that connects me to You.” – Jesus Listens, April 15th When my younger son was four, his preschool teacher spent the month of October on a spider unit. They went on walks looking for webs, made spider art, and generally delighted in all things spider. I do not delight in anything spider. One October afternoon, he began to climb into his backseat chair while offering an unending flow of words about webs: “There are different kinds of spider’s webs, not jus...

The Art of Unplugging

“Whenever I’m feeling inadequate or overwhelmed, I love being able to lean on You, Lord. You remind me that I am more than adequate when I rely on You to strengthen me.” – Jesus Listens,June 25th Over the last three years, I’ve steadily built a discipline of powering down my devices and embracing what I like to call “the art of unplugging.” What began as a simple nudge to turn off my phone during one of my quiet times has morphed into a daily discipline of turning away from the digital noise and pressing into the moment right in front of me. If you’re feeling burnt out by the digital hamster wheel and craving more presence in your daily life, I pray these tips for unplugging will meet you right where you are today. START SMALL It’s easy to take on an all-or-nothing mentality when unpluggin...

Ignoring God’s Warning Signs

“I long to encounter You in the midst of my circumstances. So I’ll look for signs of Your Presence as I walk along the path of Life. A grateful attitude opens both my heart and my eyes— enabling me to see You in myriad tiny details as well as in the big picture of my life. I need to slow down and take time to notice all Your blessings—thanking You for them and enjoying Your many gifts.” – Jesus Listens, November 24th Fourteen years ago, I suffered heat stroke in sight of the finish line of a community race I’d been training to win. It was eighty degrees, with high humidity, and I’d trained for months in unusually cool-for-summer seventy degree mornings. I had my time goals for each mile—my “splits,” as they’re called in the running world—written on my hand. My brain locked onto those times...

Three Ways to Know God as You Read the Bible

“The Bible tells me that You created me first and foremost to know You and live in rich communion with You.” – Jesus Listens,September 20th For the past several years, I’ve been rapid-reading the Bible in two or three month increments. It’s been one of the most fulfilling, life-changing habits I’ve ever encountered on my goal in really knowing the Bible and understanding its beautifully redemptive story. It’s not an easy process, and the discipline of reading an hour a day (thankfully) crowds out other habits, particularly doom scrolling on social media. Still, I wouldn’t trade this practice, as it’s helped me know God so much better—because He lives in the pages of the book He wrote. By trade, I am an author, so I come to the Bible with a storyteller’s heart present. When I first read the...

Befriending Jesus Amidst Our Wilderness Seasons

“You have been teaching me that it’s possible to feel secure even in the midst of the most difficult, painful circumstances— through staying aware of Your continual Presence with me.”– Jesus Listens, July 19th The Wilderness “Go to Jesus,” they say.  “Clap your hands and shout,” they say.  Somehow, when we are in pain, the quintessential church phrases do not move us like they typically do. The exuberant testimonies of how others were able to pray themselves into wholeness and victory can feel like a taunt more than an encouragement for those who do not even have the strength to open the bible. Sometimes, we may not want Him, but instead, we may just want to want Him. On top of that, we may hope to hope one day—just not today.  How can we experience the Presence of God when ...

God Is Surrounding What’s Surrounding You

“Help me to stay mindful of You as I go step by step through this day. Your Presence with me is a precious promise—and a comforting protection.” – Jesus Listens, October 29th My brother was thirteen years old when a band of bullies on bikes encircled him like buzzards taunting their prey. He was outmanned and outnumbered. I thought it was the end. But then my dad pulled up in his Pontiac. He didn’t even get out of the car, but simply rolled down the window and gave a look that said, “I dare you.” The bullies scattered like mice when the lights came on. Prayer As we pray for ourselves and the ones we love, it’s easy to think the spiritual forces surrounding us are too strong to defeat, too shrewd to outsmart, or too slippery to take hold of. The prophet Elisha’s servant felt the same way. I...

The Weight of Perfection

by Emily Ley “I yearn for perfection, and only You are the fulfillment of that deep longing. You are perfect and holy, yet You choose to stay close to me as I walk through this sin-stained world. When I look the right way—toward blessings, toward You—the Joy of Your Presence shines brightly upon me.” – Jesus Listens, August 30th “Therefore, since we are surrounded by such a great cloud of witnesses, let us throw off everything that hinders and the sin that so easily entangles. And let us run with perseverance the race marked out for us.” — Hebrews 12:1 NIV Struggling perfectionist Hi, my name is Emily, and I am a struggling perfectionist. Even as I write those words, I squirm a little, because I am still very much battling my perfectionist tendencies. I’d like for my home to be spotless, m...

Interruptions Can Be Opportunities

“Rather than letting setbacks and interruptions upset me, I want to use them as reminders—that You are the sovereign God and I am Your beloved follower. Help me to trust in Your unfailing Love, gladly subordinating my plans to Your infinitely wise Master Plan.” – Jesus Listens, October 26th I don’t like to be interrupted. Whether in conversation or while I am working on a task,  interruptions derail my focus, stunt task completion, and frequently leave me unsettled or  annoyed. I lose the point of what I was discussing when people interject. I lose my fervor for  the task at hand when other demands cut in to dance. Some interruptions lurch I know you’ve been here, trying to tap out a text that matters—the response to your boss, the  apology to your spouse, the reply to ...

Live Without Secrets

“How thankful I am to be fully known by You! Everything about me is visible to You—including my most secret thoughts and feelings.” – Jesus Listens, April 19th I long for a church that lives without secrets. The Beauty of Honesty One of my favorite things about church is our new members’ meetings. All the new members pack in a room for a Saturday, and they share their testimonies. There are always lots of tissues, lots of hugs, and lots of honesty. Whenever I see new members join, I think, This is the church as it should be! A bunch of people in a room, telling each other why they are messed up, and celebrating that God loves us anyway. But most of church life is not like that. I see pastors fall from grace because of secrets they kept. I see people worry more about fitting in at church th...

Choosing Worship Over Worry

“I’ve found that thanksgiving and praise put me in proper relationship with You—opening the way for Your Joy to flow into me as I draw near You in worship.” – Jesus Listens, May 9 Consequently, faith comes from hearing the message, and the message is heard through the word about Christ. —Romans 10:17 NIV Faith felt easy Faith felt easy at one point in my life. I didn’t realize that my confident exterior was a cover-up for the fear hiding in my heart. Waves of challenges hit one after another until most of that self-assurance washed away. Problems seemed to surround me on every side: impossibilities at work, difficulties as a new mom, and struggles in marriage. One morning while home alone with my kids, I sank under the floodwaters of fear, and I wasn’t sure I could come back up. Abbey and ...

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