These days as we make the most of our restrictive environment, my mind wandered back to when I felt gloriously unrestrained.
One particular day, I was walking home from school because I missed my bus. It started to drizzle, and I realized I had no umbrella, nor was I wearing a jacket with a hood. We had an unspoken rule that we never got our hair wet as it meant washing, drying, braiding again. I had a relaxer at that time, so I also thought if my hair got wet, no big deal! (after all, wasn’t that the point?) All of these thoughts ran through my mind initially as the rain became a steady downpour.
I was still quite a ways from home. I could wait it out in a storefront, I could run, or I could just walk in the rain. I chose to walk in the rain, and it was one of the most liberating feelings. The water falling from heaven felt like refreshment from my head to my feet. The steady rhythm of the raindrops provided a wonderful catharsis. I didn’t care about my hair getting wet; I was pleasantly warm as the rain touched me, and I felt unbothered. I walked through that rainfall with my head held high as if I’d planned this walk. I dared to look up and saw dark clouds in their majestic beauty releasing rain, then I looked sideways and saw my reflection – I was happy, and nothing else mattered. All my prior thoughts were washed away by the rain.
Guess what? No one cared. No one condemned me or looked at me strangely. Some may have smiled to see this sprightly girl going about her business. Whatever their reaction, it had no bearing on mine. I was free to be me.
It was a beautiful walk, probably all of ten minutes, but it seemed like an eternity as I immersed myself in the experience. Sometimes I wish I’d capture that feeling for times like these where most of us would prefer to live our lives without having to walk in the rain. I choose to see falling rain as an opportunity for freedom, but many don’t.
Unfortunately, life will be full of lots of bad weather, which we cannot control or get rid of. All we can really do is accept it and be willing to live our lives in the middle of it. Ever so often, if you must walk through the rain, accept it and be free.
That falling rain may be the blessing you crave. Enjoy the rain.
So Christ has truly set us free. Galatians 5:1
Have you ever walked in the rain?
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