This is a good idea for anyone as we approach Easter. Let us make sure we are turning towards God in our lives, with our choices and our heart, so we are ready to receive Him and celebrate the joys of Easter Sunday. Let us bring our struggles before God, and let Him help us change. Let us get right with our God.
2. Go to as Many Services as You Can
The days leading up to Easter Sunday can be a profoundly spiritual experience for someone entering the Catholic Church. Try to attend the Triduum services. They help put our faith into context as we approach this most significant celebration. It gives you time to pray, to connect with God, and to prepare your heart.
3. Look around
When you stand in front of the congregation at the Easter Vigil in the moments after you are anointed with oil and confirmed into the Catholic Church, take a moment to look around you. Take a moment to appreciate that you are in full union with the Church established by Jesus Himself 2,000 years ago. The Church that has remained connected to its history and its source through apostolic succession. You are connected, in the most powerful way on earth, to the roots of your Christian Faith.
4. Take Pictures
I am so thankful to have pictures from the night of my Confirmation. I can just see the joy on my face. It takes me right back there, right back to that moment when I knew I was finally, and fully home — as much as I am going to be before heaven. Whatever your pat to get here, it’s worth recording and remembering and celebrating. It’s a hugely significant moment in your life. Document it.
5. Reflect
When my own Confirmation approached, I took some time to look back and was so thankful for all the bits and pieces along the way that led me to find peace, and truth, and such a firm foundation. So, take some time. What was your path like to get here? Was it smooth or difficult? Did you wrestle through doubts or did you walk a path of peace? Where do you see God’s hand leading you? Who were the people who helped you along the way? How would you tell your story? However you got here, it’s beautiful. It’s amazing. Give it the weight it deserves, and be sure to give thanks.