Author: S&P

Terese Piccola describes what it’s like to be possessed and experience exorcism…

“I don’t know why, as time went on, God allowed me to hear and witness things more than the average person might during an exorcism,” said Terese Piccola. “And through that, was able to have these interactions with saints, too.” Listen to view more

A Long Hello and a Short Goodbye

AUTHOR: LAURA SUMPTER Turning the page of the proverbial book of life is a lot like jumping.  The fear that comes with the unknown, coupled with the excitement of saying goodbye to the bad while lingering in the sweetness of saying  hello to the good can send butterflies through even the most adventurous of souls.  There are times in our lives that we want to hang on tight to the wa...

How to do the math magic trick that will impress everyone you know…

Math is magic, according to a new YouTube video depicting the Kruskal count. Brain teasers and magic tricks help bring math to relatable real life even for the mathphobic. The Kruskal count is a probability for a deck of cards and a certainty for a clockface done in English. YouTuber Michael Stevens (who hosts the popular Vsauce series) has brought a classic math magic trick back from its ‘90s hey...

What to do if you think you have COVID-19…

With the news that the coronavirus is spreading, it’s only a matter of time before people start to think—wait, do I have the coronavirus? At this point it’s still extremely rare, and your cough is far more likely to be a cold or flu. Still, here’s what you should do. Check if your symptoms actually match While the coronavirus is a respiratory disease similar to a cold or flu, there’s a notable sym...

Q&A: Denver Deacon Rob Lanciotti, former CDC virologist, shares coronavirus tips…

Deacon Rob Lanciotti of St. Elizabeth Ann Seton in Fort Collins holds a doctoral degree in Microbiology and was employed as a virologist for the Centers for Disease Control & Prevention (CDC) for 29 years.  Deacon Lanciotti was kind enough to put together this Q&A with more information about coronavirus and how Catholics can keep themselves healthy. Visit for t...

What does the Book of Acts teach about Forgiveness?

This study on forgiveness looks at the topic of forgiveness in the Book of Acts. Forgiveness is a key theme in Acts, and we see how Peter and Paul teach about Acts as the spread the gospel message throughout the world. Note that this study is an excerpt from my Gospel Dictionary online course. This course considers 52 key words of the Gospel and thousands of biblical texts. The course contains ove...

Appeal hearing for Iranian Christians

Iran: Appeal hearing for Iranian Christians Persecution of Iranian Christians The appeal hearing scheduled for 24 February to review the sentences of Assyrian pastor Victor Bet Tamraz, his wife Shamiram Issavi Khabizeh, and three Christian converts has been postponed once again. Three long-standing related cases have been combined and are under review. The first involves Pastor Victor and Persian ...

Are these 3 temptations among the worst of our times?

The great English Dominican friar, Bede Jarrett, once gave a series of Lenten conferences based on the theme “Here we have no abiding city” (Hebrews 13:14). Jarrett explained, “If you are traveling, the whole secret of a happy journey is to remember always that you are a traveler.” The temptation, of course, is to try to settle down in this life, to pretend like the here-and-now is all that there ...

Listen: The sound of the Hagia Sophia, more than 500 years ago…

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Pope Francis forms Child Protection Task Force…

By Vatican News Pope Francis has established a task force “in order to assist the Episcopal Conferences in the preparation and updating of guidelines for the protection of minors”. The intention to form such a group had already been announced by the Pope at last year’s Meeting for the Protection of Minors in the Church, which ran from 21-24 February 2019. One year later, after the details of the p...

70 meat-free fast food meals for Lent…

Lent is upon us! For Catholics, that means 40 days of self-reflection, prayer, and abstaining from meat on Fridays. Now before you get all depressed thinking of all the McDonald’s Filet-O-Fish sandwiches you’ll be eating on Fridays, let me share some good news: THERE IS A BETTER WAY! That’s right, you no longer have to suffer through greasy, fried fish sandwiches slathered in tar...

Hadi Khosroshahi, former Iranian ambassador to Holy See, dies one day after testing positive for coronavirus…

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