
How can Christians find Fellowship? A discussion with Richard Jacobson (Hebrews 10:25)

Millions of Christians have questions about church and how to find true Christian fellowship. In this podcast interview, Richard Jacobson and Jeremy Myers discuss how to be the church and why Hebrews 10:25 does not teach that all Christians must attend a church service on Sunday morning. Church fellowship is critical, but there are a variety of ways God leads us to find this fellowship. Links mentioned in this discussion with Richard Jacobson: [embedded content] God is One Verse, Redeeming Church, Redeeming Scripture, Redeeming Theology, z Bible & Theology Topics: be the church, church, ecclesiology, Hebrews 10:25, One Verse Podcast, Richard Jacobson, unchurching Advertisement

What Is the Kingdom of God?

The Kingdom of God is mentioned through the Old and New Testament of the Bible. As a Christian, it’s important to understand the meaning behind this phrase that is often confusing for many Christians and non-Christians. If someone asked you what the kingdom of God meant, would you know how to answer them? Let’s take a look at the original Greek and Hebrew meaning of the phrase, the different phrases used throughout the Bible, what it means to seek first the Kingdom of God and how to  live and pray with the Kingdom of God in mind.   Origin & Meaning of The Kingdom of God From the coming of Jesus Christ to begin the kingdom, through the whole story of redemptive history and the Church, we see a clear picture of the Gospel. This “kingdom of God” is mentioned in Scrip...

Do you ever feel like an outcast? Listen to this discussion about Mark 1:40-45 with Eric Nevins

I sat down with Eric Nevins today to discuss Mark 1:40-45, a passage where Jesus interacts with a leper. If you have ever felt like an outcast, or that people reject and despise you, you will really enjoy this discussion of the interaction between Jesus and the leper in Mark 1:40-45. If you have a podcast and want to “trade” interviews, you can contact me here and join Eric’s Christian Podcast Association here. Resources Mentioned in this Podcast Discussion of Mark 1:40-45 You can also watch the video below: [embedded content]

Christian Woman from Sudan Kidnapped and tortured in Egypt Highlights Convert Pressures

abducted and tortured A Christian mother from Sudan had deep cause for worry November last year once her Muslim brother visited her church in Cairo, Egypt with a photograph of her husband andasked members if they knew his whereabouts. Muslim extremists from Sudan had abducted and tortured her but 2 years earlier in Cairo, and that they threatened to kill her husband and girl if she refused to come backto Islam. The 42-year-old Ebtehaj Alsanosi Altejani Mostafa was tied to a chair in a darkened room with no windows when her abductors gave her that ultimatum in February 2017, she told Morning Star News.“I won’t return to Islam – I hate Islam,” she told them, as they continue beating her, Mostafa said. She had fled to Egypt in 2005 once being imprisoned 5 times for her...

Walking in the Light of Jesus Christ

From the Beginning The third line of Genesis reads, Then God said, “Let there be light.” It goes on to tell us that the light was good. Then God said, “Let there be light”; and there was light. God saw that the light was good, and God separated the light from the darkness. God called the light day, and the darkness He called night. And there was evening and there was morning, one day.~ Genesis 1: 3-5 ~ We understand that, from the beginning of creation, light was not only good but vital in keeping us from darkness. Luke 11: 36 tells us,  “If therefore your whole body is full of light, with no dark part in it, it will be wholly illumined, as when the lamp illumines you with its rays.” So, we are taught that, in order to follow Jesus, we must stay on the path of His light and in this, w...

5 Ways We Can All Relate to Charles Spurgeon

At first glance, most of us have little in common with Charles Spurgeon. Many of us who grew up around church have heard the name of Charles Spurgeon but know little about who he was or what he is remembered for. Ask any pastor, and they will surely know quite a bit about this man who continues to influence us today. Spurgeon has been called the “prince of preachers,” and one could say that he was a sort of Billy Graham in his time. He preached the gospel unapologetically in a way that was understandable to all.   A Legacy of Accomplishments Spurgeon became a pastor at age 19, and with his masterful speech and strong grasp of theology, was already impressing those who heard him. He was also a strong writer and wrote his first gospel tract at the same age. Over time, Spurge...

We Were Not Alone

We Were Not Alone Her nerves are stretched to where she feels she can stand this no more. She slams on the brakes of the car in the parking lot and sits staring at nothing as the motor idles. Her mind seems to have gone on hold. No thoughts, no feelings, no nothing. It’s been too much. Finally, shaking her head as though to awaken from a deep sleep, she turns the ignition off and takes a long agonizingly deep breath and steps out of the car. Walking into the building she walks to the elevator and rises to the third floor. Slowly she opens a door and enters into a plush waiting room with a fake palm tree in one corner, enticing comfortable chairs, and carpet so thick she feels she could curl up on it like a cosy warm bed. She signs the sheet on the clipboard and takes a seat. Glancing at th...

Dealing with Evil in the Church, without losing your faith

19  But Joseph replied, “Don’t be afraid of me. Am I God, that I can punish you? 20  You intended to harm me, but God intended it all for good. He brought me to this position so I could save the lives of many people. 21  No, don’t be afraid. I will continue to take care of you and your children.” So he reassured them by speaking kindly to them.Genesis 50:19-21 (NLT2) In one of his (Boccaccio) stories in the Decameron, a practical Jewish businessman, Abraham, is contemplating conversion and baptism, at the gentle leading of the pious archbishop of Paris, but has to reside at Rome for a season to do business with the Borgia family and the papal bankers. The archbishop asks him if he wouldn’t like to receive baptism before his trip, but he is a practical man, and business must ...

Why It’s Complicated Being a Messianic Jew During Election Season

The political fabric of the State of Israel is more complicated than many may realize, and it becomes more so if you’re a believer in Yeshua. With the upcoming elections, a lot of questions have popped up for Messianic voters in the Land. One might assume that if you’re a Believer, you must support the conservative party, but then you must ask, which conservative party? Unlike in America, there are multiple conservative and liberal parties, each representing their own ideological, religious and ethnic groups with their own unique needs and interests. Let’s take a look at the Likud party, for example; the most popular political party in recent years. Likud was officially founded by Menachem Begin and Ariel Sharon – both famous political figures in Israel’s history – later to be ...

The Strongest Weapon Against Demonic Religious Intolerance

Your Strongest Weapon On the mission visit to Eastern Europe, we ministered inside a city in south-central Ukraine. This as being a major metro section of in regards to a million people, the church there hired us a person to chauffeur us around. Thus we met an old Soviet army colonel I’ll call Sergei, using the intimidating appearance from the army officer he was previously. Beneath his tough exterior, however, lay a light heart of gold. Sergei eagerly told us his story, and that I never tire of repeating it. In the army unit would be a youthful private, a Baptist Christian. Every day the boys arranged information to recite the pledge of allegiance towards the USSR. Based on his Christian conscience, this youthful private declined. Clearly, this caused an issue for Sergei, who percei...

Reflecting on the Names of Jesus

Long before there was a Baby in a manger, the prophet Isaiah depicted Him with some powerfully descriptive words. In Isaiah 9:6, we read that Jesus was to be called: Wonderful  Over time, we’ve watered down this word to just be a synonym for “good.” We use it to describe everything from tacos to tires to television shows. But something that is truly wonderful inspires wonder. It stops you in your tracks and makes you consider just how astonishing it is. It fringes on the borderline of disbelief. A God who loves so deeply that He would become one of us? That’s wonderful. Why do we not stop more often to wonder, to worship, to wait in amazement? Counsellor That’s not just a take-it-or-leave-it advice giver. He’s a confidant and friend. He guides us and walks beside us in our darkest of ...

The truth about this scam is fascinating

The truth about this scam is fascinating.Credit: La verdad sobre esta estafa es fascinante.Crédito: #onedipVideo  the Diply

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