
3 Simple Steps to a Well-Behaved Child…

By Noelle Mering There are inevitable periods in the life of most any mother when she is no longer on top of her mothering game. Perhaps she is post-partum, or ill, or exhausted, or all of the above. I remember many times when, in the throws of small children, nursing a baby and watching my beloved toddler/5 year old/young child act like a not-so-adorable tyrant/whiner/stinker and wondering when the competent woman would arrive to mother this child.  Somewhere in the muck and mire of feeling desperate for a solution, I developed a method to right the ship when a child is slipping into a pattern of misbehavior. Let me preface this by saying this applies to the normal behavioral issues to which any kid might be prone. This isn’t for more severe dysfunctions. I’ve not invented these idea...

Film based on Indiana woman’s true story ‘reclaims the beauty of adoption’…

EDINBURGH, Ind. (CNS) — Melissa Coles received a call in the late summer of 2019. She didn’t listen long before she figured it was a prank call and hung up. When the person called back, she hung up again. “On the third call, they had all the producers on the line — Kirk Cameron and the Kendrick brothers,” she said, referring to Alex, Shannon and Stephen Kendrick, producers of Christian films such as “Fireproof,” “War Room” and “Courageous.” “They said they wanted to make (the documentary) ‘I Lived on Parker Avenue’ into a movie.” Coles knew the 2018 YouTube documentary well — she was one of its subjects. “It’s three powerful stories wrapped into one,” said Coles: the story of her decision against abortion; the story of the son she offered for adoption; and the story of the couple who adopt...

We have much to learn from the Queen, the ‘Grandmother to Us All’…

COMMENTARY: As a nation, as a culture, our roots are Christian, and none of what is happening makes any sense unless we understand that God is at the core of all of this. As Britain mourns our monarch, bus stops in London carry illuminated pictures of the Queen, with a tribute from Transport for London. Major railway stations also carry her portrait, as do many shops, banks and other institutions. In churches, there are pictures with candles, and many people come to pray and add candles of their own. And in lots of places, there are banks of flowers: at London’s main royal palaces, of course, but also at other designated sites. People keep arriving with more and more bouquets and posies. As I write this, there are news reports of volunteers stripping off the plastic wrapping that florists ...

The Heavenly Father’s love for you stretches the limits of human thinking…

The three parables in this Sunday’s lengthy Gospel challenge conventional thinking. They describe people doing things that we most likely would not do. All three of them – especially the first two – seem crazy. Who would ever do what the shepherd of the lost sheep does or what the woman with the lost coin does? Probably no one. Likewise, the father in the Prodigal Son parable breaks all the rules of “tough love.” His forgiveness has an almost reckless quality to it. No father in Jesus’ time would ever have tolerated such insolence from his sons. So all three of these parables, on one level, are just plain crazy. But that is one of the fundamental points Jesus seems to be making here: The Heavenly Father’s love for us is just plain “crazy.” By that I do not mean that it is irrational but th...

Pope Seeks Prayers for His Three-Day ‘Peace Pilgrimage’ in Kazakhstan Beginning Tuesday…

VATICAN CITY (AP) — Pope Francis on Sunday asked for prayers to accompany him this week on what he calls his “pilgrimage of peace” in Kazakhstan for a meeting of religious leaders. In remarks to the public in St. Peter’s Square, Francis noted that on Tuesday he begins a three-day visit to that central Asian country to participate in a gathering of heads of world and traditional religions. “It will be an occasion to meet so many religious representatives and to dialogue as brothers, animated by the common desire for peace, the peace for which our world is thirsting,” Francis said. “I ask everyone to accompany with prayer this pilgrimage of peace,″ the pontiff said. He had been hoping to meet during his trip with the Russian Orthodox Patriarch Kirill, who has sought to justify Russia’s invas...

John Paul I’s beatification sparked little interest, but his 33 days as pope cleared the way for 26 years under a spiritual giant, John Paul II …

The beatification of Pope John Paul I on Sunday was, like the raising of any Christian disciple to the altars, a recognition of God’s grace at work in the sanctification of a soul. Yet it is also true that Albino Luciani, however holy he may have been as a priest and bishop, would never have attracted sufficient attention for a beatification cause to be opened if he had not served as pope for 33 days in 1978. Thus the beatification of a pope — the fifth such in this still young century — invites a few considerations on papal causes for beatification and canonization. Popes are beatified on the same grounds as everyone else — personal holiness sufficiently manifest that it is widely recognized, both during life and after death. They undergo the same process as any other cause, albeit with g...

WHSmith, a major UK bookstore chain, just canceled a Catholic-friendly journal for wrongthink about homosexuality and politics…

The European Conservative describes itself as Europe’s ‘premier conservative English-language quarterly journal of philosophy, politics, and the arts.’ A quarterly magazine that seeks to defend and promote Western Christian civilization and is known for its Catholic sympathies has been removed by a major U.K. bookstore chain on account of its criticism of the same-sex agenda and for running an interview with Hungarian leader Viktor Orbán. The European Conservative, self-described as Europe’s “premier conservative English-language quarterly journal of philosophy, politics, and the arts,” has been pulled from the shelves of WHSmith after two individuals waged a campaign against it on social media. Alexi Kaye Campbell, a Greek-British playwright, and his civil partner Dominic Cooke, an Englis...

Our Lady of Fatima Statue Stolen From Catholic Church in New Jersey Found, Arrest Made…

By Joe Bukuras Washington, D.C. Newsroom, Sep 7, 2022 / 17:00 pm Tears were flowing from the faces of parishioners at St. Andrew the Apostle Catholic Church in Gibbsboro, New Jersey, when they saw their pastor bring into the adoration chapel on Wednesday the parish’s beloved Our Lady of Fatima statue, which was stolen last week.  “I was just bringing it back in to re-enthrone her for tomorrow,” Msgr. Louis Marucci, the pastor, told CNA Sept. 7. “And I could hear the visible expressions of people in tears, and I turned around and I thought that the faith of people is really just a beautiful experience.” After the statue was stolen Aug. 30, Marucci said that he was praying that it would be returned before Sept. 8: The Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary, the day on which the parish alwa...

Why do so many journalists choose to edit faith out of Queen Elizabeth’s Christmas talks?

<div class="sqs-block embed-block sqs-block-embed" data-block-json="{"width":550,"height":null,"hSize":null,"html":" &quot;Although we are capable of great acts of kindness, history teaches us that we sometimes need saving from ourselves … God sent into the world a unique person, neither a philosopher nor a general … but a Saviour, with the power to forgive.&quot;Queen Elizabeth II, Christmas 2011 &mdash; Bernard N. Howard (@BernardNHoward) September 8, 2022 \n","url":"","resolvedBy":"twitter","floatDir":null,"providerName":"Twitter","cust...

Just a speed bump on Germany’s Synodal Path toward schism?

By Phil Lawler ( bio – articles – email ) | Sep 09, 2022 Well, we dodged a bullet again. So if you are confident in our ability to keep dodging bullets, you can relax. I’m not so confident. The German bishops narrowly defeated a statement that would have put them on record in favor of a radical change in Church teaching on sexuality. Should we view yesterday’s vote as a victory for orthodoxy, a reassuring affirmation of unity within the universal Church? Or was it merely a speed-bump on their Synodal Path toward schism? The latter, I’m afraid. Because: Bishop Georg Bätzing, the president of the German bishops’ conference, and Cardinal Reinhard Marx, the most influential member of the German hierarchy, both expressed disappointment with the result. A majority of the German bisho...

German ‘Synodal Way’ Votes to Establish Permanent ‘Synodal Council’ to Oversee Church and Dioceses in Germany…

This committee would consist of the 27 diocesan bishops, 27 members elected by the ZdK, and 10 members jointly elected by them.  The committee would be chaired by the president of the bishops’ conference and “the president(s) of the ZdK.” The permanent Synodal Council would function “as a consultative and decision-making body on essential developments in the Church and society,” the German proposal states.  More importantly, it would “make fundamental decisions of supra-diocesan significance on pastoral planning, questions of the future and budgetary matters of the Church that are not decided at the diocesan level.” More in Europe In order to make the council work, “it shall be supported by a permanent secretariat, adequately staffed and financed.” Rejection of request for secret...

This Sunday, Jesus presents three telling images of sin and our souls…

Jesus tells three different stories about sin and mercy this Sunday, the 24th Sunday in Ordinary Time Year C. Together, they tell us what makes human souls unique — and how sin thwarts our very identity. The first icon of sin and the soul is the sheep cut off from others, helpless and vulnerable. “What man among you having a hundred sheep and losing one of them would not leave the ninety-nine in the desert and go after the lost one until he finds it?” asks Jesus. “And when he does find it, he sets it on his shoulders with great joy.” The herding instinct is famously strong in sheep. A sheep apart from its flock is not an independent animal making its way in the world — it is a stressed, anxious animal in deadly peril. It is easy pickings for predators since its only means of defense is to ...