
No, Richard Dawkins, cultural Christianity is not enough…

In a striking turn of events, renowned atheist and evolutionary biologist Richard Dawkins recently declared himself a “cultural Christian” during an interview with Rachel S. Johnson of LBC. Dawkins’ declaration was sparked by his reaction to the Mayor of London’s decision to celebrate Ramadan with 30,000 lights on Oxford Street rather than Easter. Well known for his critical stance on religion, Dawkins expressed dismay at promoting Ramadan over Easter. Surprisingly, he defended the cultural trappings of Christianity in England, which he perceives as a fundamentally Christian nation. Dawkins’ comments underscore a significant but often overlooked conversation in the West. While Dawkins does not embrace Christianity’s spiritual tenets, his appreciation for its cultural and moral contribution...

Save the date, parlor games, and the art of the meal…

Save the date, parlor games, and the art of the meal Skip to content Pillar subscribers can listen to this Pillar Post here: The Pillar TL;DR Happy Friday friends,  And a very happy Easter to you all.  The octave is one of my favorite liturgical expressions of reality as the Church understands it.  As most of you know, I am somewhat obsessed with the idea of time — how we conceive of the idea, how we measure it, and how we relate to a God who came “in time,” exists “out of time” and is waiting for us at the end of time. What we express in the Easter octave is the reality that the power of a single moment explodes the bounds of time so fully that a day cannot contain its feast.  For eight days, every day is Easter, encompassing not just the Sunday itself, but the rest of...

The U.S. military has been pushing DEI and LGBTQ policies. So how is recruiting going?

Try to imagine an America in which families that have, for generations, urged their children to serve in the armed services stopped doing precisely that. Click for Crossroads podcast Would that be a big news story? One would think so. With that in mind, take a look at the numbers in this chart posted on X by the Missing Data Depot Substack feed. Here’s the written summary from that tweet: Military families have soured on the military. The % of military family members who would recommend service to their children dropped from 55% in 2016 to 32% in 2023. Relatedly the military fell 41,000 recruits short of its 2023 goal & it is now at its smallest size since 1940. Clearly, economic issues — think slow-rising salaries, housing costs for military families, day-care costs and more — are aff...

Caitlin Clark: How the Catholic Basketball Star Captivated a Nation…

Sign up for our weekly email newsletter to never miss a story. Religion Unplugged is a non-profit online religion magazine funded by The Media Project. Our journalists around the world bring you the latest religion news and views on the world’s religions in public life. Through our stories and editorial partnerships, we aim to increase religious literacy and go deeper into stories that affect people of faith the most.  Services Marketplace – Listings, Bookings & Reviews Entertainment blogs & Forums

‘Dignitas Infinitas’ to Be Published Monday: How Will Cardinal Fernández Influence the Vatican’s Gender Ideology Response?

When the Vatican releases a document on human dignity April 8 that addresses gender ideology, it won’t be the first time that Rome has tackled the vexing topic. Pope Francis has spoken out frequently on the phenomenon, which holds that one’s identity is independent of their bodily sex, calling it “the ugliest danger of our time” just last month. But given that the new document will be the first comprehensive assessment of gender ideology published by the Vatican’s top doctrinal office, it will likely be the most far-reaching intervention yet, providing guidance to Catholic dioceses, ministries and individuals around the world. However, Dignitas Infinitas, as the text is called, will also differ from other notable Vatican interventions on the subject in another pivotal way: It’s likely to b...

From Mobile Kitchen to Mitre: Bishop-Elect’s Food Truck Feeds Body and Soul…

PROVIDENCE, R.I. — It’s the Ides of March, and Father James Ruggieri, the bishop-elect of Portland, Maine, is asking about the differences between East Coast rap and West Coast rap. It’s the latest installment in a long-running conversation with a tall Black man standing in front of a table where the priest and other volunteers are giving out food. The man, who thinks of himself as an East Coast rapper, said the people in rehab preferred gangster rap. He has something he wants to get off his chest. “I’m getting kind of nervous,” he says. “Why are you nervous?” the priest asks. “Because it’s time — getting closer and closer and closer to God, you know what I mean?” the man says. “Just be ready,” the priest replies. “Just be ready.” “I’m more anxious than anybody,” the man says. “That’s okay...

Radical ideological orthodoxy trammels parental rights, needs of children…

(Image: Jochen van Wylick/ Discrimination against Christians continues unabated as for the third time in four years public officials have sought to not allow qualified Christians to serve as foster or adoptive parents because they reject the current orthodoxy on gender ideology. In the dispute at the heart of this column, despite an acute shortage of caregivers willing and able to be respite or placement resources for children and youth experiencing increased mental, behavioral, and physical health needs, officials forbade a Christian couple in Washington from serving as foster parents. In fact, while 358 children spent 4,570 nights sleeping in hotels, offices, or other temporary accommodations in 2023, officials refused to permit Shane and Jennifer DeGross,&nbs...

French Government Cracks Down on Catholic Priest Who Said Homosexual Relations Are Sinful…

Who is Father Matthieu Raffray? Raffray is a well-known priest who has a growing apostolate on the internet and social media aimed especially at young French-speaking people. He has more than 60,000 followers on Instagram, more than 22,000 on YouTube, and more than 21,000 on X. He is a pro-life and pro-family advocate and has published French-language books such as “Myths and Lies of Progressivism” (2020) and more recently “The Greatest of Combats,” with which he seeks to answer the fundamental and existential questions of life. More in Europe Raffray, 45, was born in 1979 and is one of nine children. He studied mathematics before being ordained a priest in 2009. He holds a doctorate in philosophy and teaches at the Pontifical University of St. Thomas Aquinas (Angelicum) in Rome. According...

Famed Director Martin Scorsese to Produce 8-Part Docuseries on the Life of Saints…

Sign up for our weekly email newsletter to never miss a story. Religion Unplugged is a non-profit online religion magazine funded by The Media Project. Our journalists around the world bring you the latest religion news and views on the world’s religions in public life. Through our stories and editorial partnerships, we aim to increase religious literacy and go deeper into stories that affect people of faith the most.  Services Marketplace – Listings, Bookings & Reviews Entertainment blogs & Forums

We just finished the 40 days of Lent. Now it’s time for those other 40 days (the ones after Easter Sunday)…..

We’re all familiar with the idea that Lent is forty days long, and it used to be true that Lent involved forty days excluding Sundays, though this isn’t true now, given revisions to the Church’s liturgical calendar. The length of Lent is inspired by the forty days that Jesus spent in the wilderness before he began his public ministry (Matt. 4:1-11, Mark 1:12-13, Luke 4:1-13). However, there’s another forty days connected with Jesus, and we read about them at the beginning of Acts: To them [the apostles] he presented himself alive after his passion by many proofs, appearing to them during forty days, and speaking of the kingdom of God (Acts 1:3). Jesus then instructed the apostles to remain in Jerusalem until they received the Holy Spirit (Acts 1:4-5). This happened on Pentecost, fifty days...

Did the Holy Father violate the obligations of conclave secrecy? Yes and no…..

In an interview book released in Spanish, Pope Francis revealed details, including voting results, from the 2005 conclave. Did the Holy Father violate the obligations of conclave secrecy? Yes and No. It’s an issue that sheds light on a wider issue in the Church, namely, the limits of law on papal power. Pope Francis revealed that “Ratzinger was my candidate” in 2005, but that there was group attempting a “complete maneuver,” in which votes for Cardinal Jorge Bergoglio would block Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger. “They were using me, but behind them they were already thinking about proposing another cardinal. They still couldn’t agree on who, but they were already on the verge of throwing out a name,” Pope Francis told Spanish journalist Javier Martínez-Brocal for the book The Successor. Excerpts...

Former terrorism officials question ‘radicalization’ study that lists peaceful pro-lifers…

Government-funded research says Students for Life is ‘terrorist’ organization Two terrorism experts questioned a University of Maryland center’s labeling of a pro-life group as a “terrorist” organization. The former employees of the Department of Justice and Homeland Security spoke to The College Fix about the university’s research database, “Profiles of Individual Radicalization in the United States,” or PIRUS. Created by the National Consortium for the Study of Terrorism and Responses to Terrorism, or START, the project purportedly tracks “ideologically motivated criminal activity” and known “extremists” through 2021. The Fix previously reported how two Students for Life of America members who were arrested for writing “black pre-born lives matter” on a sidewalk in 2020 are recorded...