
The Mastery of Self

Many a time when we hear the word self-control, we think of how we can temper ourselves or fix something within that is spiraling into chaos.  We think of the worldly perspective of self-control: “Behave yourself.” “Girl, show some restraint.”   “Check yourself before you wreck yourself.” Although these worldly perspectives are laced with good intentions, I have a feeling this is not what Paul spoke of in Galatians 5:22-23.  Paul mentioned self-control as the last mentioned element of the fruit of the Spirit. I don’t believe this was a coincidence, but one of the pinnacle moments in his speaking to Galatia. The Greek word for self-control is egkrateia which means temperance, the virtue of one who has command or mastery over one’s own behavior. Ugh! I don’t even thi...

Gentleness, Motherhood, and the Ways of Jesus

Since the day I became a mother, the value of gentleness has been impressed upon my heart. I have observed many mothers as they parent their children. I watch, and I learn. I knew early on that one quality I deeply desired to emulate was that of the grace of gentleness. Before I even had my first child, I knew that I wanted to be a mother who was gentle, especially, with my words.  I saw and still see it as a way of loving and caring for the impressionable hearts of the children God has given me. Since then, my husband and I have been blessed with two more children, now having 3 daughters. I realize now in the business of our large family that, even for the most tender of people, perpetual gentleness does not come as naturally or as easily as I thought. In moments of hurry, giving a s...

Engaging Volunteers in Ministry

Volunteers in ministry are one of the most important things. So, I am sharing with you my best tips to keep them engaged. Join Our Telegram Group : Salvation & Prosperity  

Let’s Stay Here Awhile

I used to listen for Holy Spirit in the quiet hours in still darkness, morning cracking open her eyes with slow blinks. Offering slowness, a gentle beginning to the world’s rush of day. My heart was awake, I had no doubt. Tender, open, expectant, brave. It had energy to enter into a space tucked deep within me, a bit holy—timeless and real. I would not look at my phone, or read anything, or talk to anyone. I would try not to think, to form ideas—even words to pray. All helped me enter this wide-open sacred space. But what I loved most was that my mind had not yet grabbed hold of plans, ideas, opinions about the day. Could mental fog be a good thing, perhaps? I think so, if the reward is a heart that feels like it has no competition; it has room enough to speak. In this space, imagination i...

To Honor the Self

I drafted a blog post to you on May 19 and never finished it. I sat, keyboard in lap, on a Thursday afternoon, and searched for self-understanding. Why am I feeling the way I feel? How can I sort through this apparent confusion of the heart? And now, six weeks later, I read the words typed out from the married feelings of both frustration and hope and consider the gift each of us receives when we, individually, pause, honor the self, and contemplate the place where we are. I believe in the value of going backwards, sometimes, in order to go forward. And so, with these words written to you one late spring day but never shared, I begin again, writing to you . . . I thought I had been upended, that all that was familiar was gone. I thought I would be left with mere glimpses of her—the self th...

When Bravery Calls

In my family, when New Year’s Eve rolls around, in place of resolutions, some of us select a personal “Word of the Year” (WOTY). In the upcoming year, that WOTY is a word to focus on, claim or be a reminder and encouragement as we move forward.  After much thought and prayer, my WOTY for 2020 was “brave”.   Merriam-Webster defines brave as “having or showing mental or moral strength to face danger, fear, or difficulty: having or showing courage” or, “to face or endure with courage”. As 2020 rolled on, before me was a multi-headed beast of a task. I had to be big-brave. Big-brave moments are when daunting, overwhelming, and difficult things are happening in life, and you must face them or walk through them anyway. I have probably had six times where I had to be big-brave and ...

July Scripture Writing Challenge (2022)

Scripture writing plans are incredibly simple, yet incredibly effective for helping us read, interpret and absorb the Word of God. Rather than simply letting our eyes pass over a verse and perhaps miss its full meaning, writing Scripture down helps us absorb each word and really think through what the passage before us is saying. Join Our Telegram Group : Salvation & Prosperity  

Sabbath Rest

(Photo Credit: Canva Pro) Do you ever feel like your soul needs refreshing? Do you ever feel depleted at the end of most days? Do you sometimes think or find yourself saying, “I need a sabbatical.” If so, I’m sure you’re not alone. There are many people like you who feel the same way. That’s why it’s so good to take a Sabbath rest. Really, what this means is simply taking a day off and ceasing from your work as God did. Genesis 2:2 says, “So the creation of the heavens and the earth and everything in them were completed. On the seventh day God had finished his work of creation, so he rested from all of his work.” Ahhh. I don’t know about you, but that sounds like a release. It sounds like an intentional break. Without a doubt, God wants us to work. There ...

Why I Have Been Single For So Long?

Going through life as a single Christian is challenging, but maybe you’re season of singleness is intentional. Join Our Telegram Group : Salvation & Prosperity  

Don’t Waste Your Week

(Photo Credit: 123rf Photos) Wherever you are when you read this post, I know and trust God that it will be timely for you. Whether it’s Monday or Wednesday (or later), it’s still a fresh week for you to draw closer to the Lord, serve, and tackle the tasks of each new day. But as you’re preparing to get things done, I want to encourage you with these words, “Don’t waste your week.” No doubt, as women we are called to do a lot of things. And I know it seems like everything is important and a high priority, but I can assure you that everything is not. And I know it seems like there’s so much to do and you feel like how in the world am I going to get it all done? And I can assure you that you don’t have to get it all done in a day. You have a week, Sis!...

Finding Strength When You’re Weary

As a single mom, we face hardships and battles daily. But, it’s learning how to fight these battles with strength that makes all the difference. Join Our Telegram Group : Salvation & Prosperity  

June Scripture Writing Challenge (2022)

Scripture writing plans are incredibly simple, yet incredibly effective for helping us read, interpret and absorb the Word of God. Rather than simply letting our eyes pass over a verse and perhaps miss its full meaning, writing Scripture down helps us absorb each word and really think through what the passage before us is saying. Join Our Telegram Group : Salvation & Prosperity