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‘Che Tempo Che Fa’ — Pope Francis Makes First TV Talk Show Appearance…

“We see how economies are mobilized and what is most important today is war: ideological warfare, of power, trade warfare, and lots of arms factories,” he said.

“War is always destruction,” he added.

When Fazio asked the pope why the innocent suffer, Pope Francis said that he was himself scandalized in the face of children’s suffering.

“‘Why do children suffer?’ I find no explanation for this. I have faith, I try to love God who is my Father, but I ask myself: ‘But why do children suffer?’ … Hatred, destruction are in the hands of another who sowed evil in the world through envy,” the pope said, adding that God allowed his own Son to be killed.

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“It is perhaps a mystery that we do not understand well, but in the relationship of God the Father with his Son, we can see well what is in the heart of God when these things happen. God is strong, he is omnipotent in love,” he said.

“And when this temptation comes to you: ‘Why do children suffer?’ I find only one way: to suffer with them. And for me, Dostoevsky was a great teacher in this,” Francis added, referring to the Russian author of “Crime and Punishment” and “The Brothers Karamazov.”

While speaking to the TV audience, the pope made it clear that he does not watch television himself.

“Yes, I don’t watch television. This is not because I condemn it, but it is a decision I made for the Lord when He asked me,” Francis said.

The pope also clarified that the reason he recently visited a record store in Rome was not to buy an album, but to bless the shop.

“It’s true that I listen to music … I also like tango a lot,” he added.

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