Anyone with Kansas connections can act now to help save countless lives.
Students from Benedictine College in Atchison, Kansas, are knocking on doors to promote the right to life in advance of an Aug. 2 vote in Kansas, but there are practical steps every Catholic can take.
On Aug. 2 Kansas pro-lifers plan to vote Yes on the Value Them Both constitutional amendment which would clarify that “the constitution of the state of Kansas does not require government funding of abortion and does not create or secure a right to abortion,” and “elected state representatives and state senators, may pass laws regarding abortion.”
What can you do to promote a Yes vote?
1: Embrace the right to life.
When Archbishop Joseph Naumann asked if the right to life was the preeminent issue, as the U.S. bishops have designated it, Pope Francis said, “Of course it is. It’s the most fundamental right. … This is not first a religious issue; it’s a human rights issue.”
Archbishop Naumann noted that after the Supreme Court’s Dobbs decision overturned Roe v. Wade, the eyes of the nation are on Kansas and abortion advocates have been targeting their opponents with vandalism and violence.
“I encourage every member of the archdiocese to vote in favor of the ‘Value Them Both’ amendment on Aug. 2,” he said.
2: Vote early.
“If you are going to be out of the state on Aug. 2, advance voting begins July 13,” Archbishop Naumann said. Even if you think you may be unable to vote in Kansas on Aug. 2, you can vote early to be on the safe side.
If you wait until election day, go to your polling place first thing in the morning. Don’t put it off. If you do, the chances of getting sidetracked and never making it to the polls only increases. Voting is a perfectly good excuse for being late to some other responsibility.
To vote by mail, Kansans registered to vote should complete these steps as soon as possible:
- Download the Advance Voting Application for an advance ballot. Complete the application and print it. Include your driver’s license number or a copy of your photo identification and mail immediately to the county office (find the address at the bottom of the application form).
- The application must be received by your county office by July 26, 2022.
- When you receive your Advance Ballot, complete it, and mail it to the address specified in the instructions (likely the address above).
- The ballot must be postmarked on or before August 2, 2022, and must be received in the county election office by the close of business on Friday, August 5.
3: Help Others Vote. Be practical about it.
Be armed with the reasons to vote Yes for the Value Them Both amendment by reading these Value Them Both FAQs and encourage friends to vote.
Offer rides to those who need help getting to the polls. Parishes or pro-life groups can organize carpools. Big families have big vans that can be employed getting people to the polls without violating any rules. Is it hard for someone you know to get out to vote because they have to watch their children? Offer to watch the kids — or set up a service at your parish that does so.
E-mail, message, text, or call your friends to remind them it’s voting day.
4: Can you do more?
If you have the capacity to do even more, here are some great aids.
Spread the word. Download here what you need to know in video and shareable formats. Spread the word through your parish and other organization.
Volunteer. Help efforts in your area to promote a Yes vote on Value them Both.
Sign up to help in the grassroots effort to get the word out — making phone calls, knocking on doors, and more.
Stay Up-to-Date. Facebook and Instagram pages alert followers to latest news in the Value Them Both effort.
Donate money. Give generously to help the efforts to mobilize Kansans to vote Yes. The abortion industry has raised more money than the pro-life advocates so far.
Pray! Click here to join the Memorare Army for Life to support the passage of the Kansas Value Them Both Amendment.
5: Knock on doors!
Says Chuck Weber, Kansas Catholic Conference: “Please join us to walk and knock on doors across Kansas this Saturday. Personal contact is the #1 way we impact people and get them to vote YES. And it’s fun. Really!”
Rally for Life with Tony Perkins in Kansas City!
Sunday, July 24th at 7PM
Register HERE!
6: Our most urgent task is to love.
When Pope Francis told Kansas City, Kansas, Archbishop Joseph Naumann that the right-to-life was preeminent he “was truly kind of stunned” when he learned that there have been 61 million abortions in the United States since Roe v. Wade. Archbishop Naumann says our next great task is to give women real options.
Take it from the women who have faced down abortion: Protecting the right to life can truly move hearts to be more caring and loving, rescuing women from a predatory industry that allows boyfriends and big companies to pressure them to abort their children, a decision most admit they regret. After promoting a Yes vote in August, our equally urgent task is to serve women in crisis through crisis pregnancy centers and Catholic Charities.
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