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Do you have to believe everything the pope says?

Do you have to believe everything the pope says?

Keep your eyes on Jesus! That is what the papacy — and all of Catholicism — is about.

This video originally appeared at and is used here with permission.

I’ve been getting a lot of questions about the Pope’s recent, personal letter to James Martin. This presents a great opportunity to discuss what papal infallibility is — and what it isn’t.

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I’ve been around for three popes now, and during each of their papacies I’ve experienced my fellow Catholics misinterpret the Church’s teaching about infallibility. The papacy is a great gift from Jesus. A poor understanding of it is a great burden that Jesus (and the pope) never intended for you to carry!

In short: If you’re a Catholic you should treat the pope with respect. You have to believe in infallible church teaching. You don’t have to believe, agree with, or even pay attention to everything a pope says.

I hope this four minutes brings some clarity. As you’ll see, it’s actually not about Martin, who I respectfully disagree with on many things. (That’s for a future video.) And, I love Pope Francis.

Enjoy. Share. And keep your eyes on Jesus! That is what the papacy — and all of Catholicism — is about.

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