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From Cardinal Cupich’s Chicago, here’s the exceptionally cringeworthy ‘guitar blessing’ that lit up the internet this weekend …

From Cardinal Cupich’s Chicago, here’s the exceptionally cringeworthy ‘guitar blessing’ that lit up the internet this weekend …

UPDATE: 22 Feb 2022

It’s a good thing some of those videos were downloaded first.  And I imagine that some folks in Chicagoland will drop in from time to time, with their phone cameras, just to enjoy the show.

Originally Published on 20 Feb ’22


BUT… the TLM has to be suppressed.    Because!

This abomination is the last few minutes of THIS.



Holy Family Catholic Community in Inverness, IL in the Archdiocese of Chicago.


This is IN the Archdiocese of Chicago where the PEOPLE who want the TLM are being brutally and cruelly marginalized by Archbp. Cupich.

In Chicago, this is OKAY.  The TLM?  Suppress.

Their YouTube channel HERE

What else are they doing and saying there?


If you thought that this was a one off… this is is CHICAGO….

[embedded content]

21 Feb 2022:

As if that wasn’t “gay” enough, there’s this page: HERE

I’ve said it before, I’ll say it again…

… a lot of motivation of the attack on Traditional sacred worship (really, on the people who want it) is not so much about liturgy, it is about something else.  The real goal is non-celibate (non-continent) homosexual clergy.   The TLM and what it teaches and those who want it stand in the way of that goal.    The TLM might have adherents who are also sinners, but they don’t say that what is sinful is good.  That’s part of the hatred of the left for the TLM and the traditional teaching of the Church against sodomy.

Therefore, they attack. People are pushed to the peripheries.   The worse the attacks are, the more eager and impatient they are getting to grab that brass ring.

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