You have seen the logo for the 2025 Jubilee?
It’s really something. I can’t tell you what that makes me think of.
A lot of people submitted designs. This is the fellow who designed it.
His name is Giacomo Travisani. There is a story in Italian HERE.
Someone today mentioned an additional fact about him, so I looked around.
Same guy?
I think it may be. If so, he is a specialist in all sorts of techniques of massage.
That’s different!
From the site:
Il mio bagaglio professionale vanta di diverse tecniche di massaggio quali:
Massaggio Base Svedese;
Massaggio Ayurvedico Abyangam;
Massaggio Californiano Emozionale;
Massaggio Hawaiano Lomi Lomi Nui;
Massaggio Thai oil;
Massaggio Sportivo;
Massaggio Decontratturante;
Linfodrenaggio Vodder;
Taping Kinesiologico;
Massaggio Thailandese Tradizionale;
Massaggio Anticellulite;
Massaggio Kirei e Kobido;
Anatomia Palpatoria.
I can’t say I know what those are.
I’m not a graphic artist.
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