
Immanuel: God Is with Us

“Long before I was born, I was proclaimed to be the God who is with you. This is rock-solid truth that nobody and no circumstance can take away from you.”Jesus Always, December 20 “Then you will call on me and come and pray to me, and I will listen to you.” Jeremiah 29:1One prayer changed my life forever. Since then, more prayers have come, but that prayer was the one that set my life on a completely different trajectory. How did I get here? After spending several years in my teens and twenties running away from God, one day I found myself lying on the floor of my parents’ bathroom. It had been a couple of months since I received the first of what would be five cancer diagnoses. There I was, on the floor, a few hours into a 3-day quarantine for intense radiation treatment. I was 26. The tr...

Think you know what humility is? Think again. (An Interview with Dan Kent, author of Confident Humility)

I had the privilege of interviewing Dan Kent this week about his book, Confident Humility. I’ll be honest. When I first heard that he had written a book about humility, I thought “Booooring … we all know everything there is to know about humility.” But then I read the book. Mind. Blown. It turns out I have been thinking and teaching about humility entirely wrong. Dan Kent’s book opened my eyes to what truly humility is, how humility works, and how to attain humility in my life. If you want to understand what the Bible teaches about humility and how to become humble and live humbly in your life, listen to my interview with Dan Kent, and then go buy a copy of his book on Amazon. Let your view of humility get turned upside down! Podcast Links: Watch the Interview with Dan Kent here: [embedded...

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