finding joy amid the chaos

God’s Invitation to Peace and Joy

Adapted and edited for the Jesus Calling Blog. You can find Pastor Nicewonger’s original post, The Road to Peace, here. As you grow closer to Me, I open your eyes to see more and more of My Presence all around you. Jesus Calling, December 28 How do we find peace amid chaos? When turmoil reigns, anxiety rules, and worry is winning, how do we find the road to peace? My Journal Talks I came across something I wrote after meeting with my spiritual director. As we closed our time together, he invited me to live and move with the spirit of the Jesuits: seek first to discern God’s invitation, and do what you discerned wholeheartedly. Thus you find joy and peace. I was struck by his words. They voiced the way I have sought to live and move through a significant portion of my life. Notice the word ...

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