helping people in need

Love Goes Outside the Comfort Zone

“Let My Love flow through you to others—in both your words and your actions.” Jesus Always, May 22 On a very (very) hot Sunday morning, my family was driving to church when we saw a car stopped in the center of the road. There was plenty of room to nudge around it and keep going as plenty of vehicles did, but my husband pulled our minivan behind the stalled car and turned the ignition off. Stepping onto the hot pavement, he made his way over to where a man was bent over the open hood. With our engine (and therefore, air conditioning) turned off, our van became an instant sauna. I noticed the rest of the stalled car’s occupants standing nearby in the shaded grass of the ditch, so I suggested to my children that we join them. “But Mom!” my child whispered hesitantly. “We don’t know these peo...

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