jimmy fortune music

Lifting Up Others Through Service: Country Singer Jimmy Fortune and US Army Veteran Jess Key

Jimmy Fortune: Like my mom used to say, “Whenever things happen, son, don’t run from Christ. You run to Christ.”  And if I stand before Christ, I stand before Him and say, “Hey, I don’t deserve what you did for me. I don’t deserve it at all. But I’m not going to turn my back on that gift. I’m going to hold onto it because it has saved me.” Lifting Up Others Through Service: Country Singer Jimmy Fortune and US Army Veteran Jess Key – Episode #154 Narrator: Welcome to the Jesus Calling Podcast. Today’s guests have overcome great odds to serve others and lift up those who have given their lives to service: US Army veteran and dragon boat racing champion Jess Key, and country and gospel music legend Jimmy Fortune. Jimmy Fortune grew up in a musical family and played gospel music from a ve...

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