Logos Bible Software

The Best Bible Study Software just Got Better. Logos 9 is Here!

I’ve been using Bible Study Software for over two decades. I have used various versions of nearly everything on the market, including numerous software packages that are no longer available. About ten years ago, I started using Logos Bible Software, and have never looked back! And this year’s version, Logos 9, is the best version yet! Before you reader further, know that if you want to get Logos, you can get an exclusive partner discount on Logos Bible Software by following THIS LINK. The following post will cover some of the updates and items in the new version of Logos Bible Study Software, but let me share with you something that I am particularly happy about, which has been around for a while, but I have only recently started using… At my place of work, they recently installed new comp...

Study the Bible this Year

I will be returning to publishing my Bible Studies and podcasts next week so you can learn the meaning of some tricky passages in Scripture. Hopefully these studies will continue to help you in your spiritual growth in 2020 the way they have for the past 20 years. Can you believe it? I’ve been writing and teaching online for TWO DECADES! If you want to study Scripture along with me and maybe even learn how to better study the Bible, let me recommend two resources. 1. Join my Discipleship Group When you join my discipleship group, you get immediate access to ALL TEN of my online courses. Plus you get free ebooks, free audiobooks, and a numerous other resources to help you follow Jesus into the world. One of the courses is about how to study the Bible. In this course, I walk you through some...

Give the Gift of Bible Study for Christmas!

I read and study Scripture every day, not only for personal and spiritual growth, but also because I like to teach others what I have learned from the Bible. As I study, I normally like to read and study using paper books, but in recent years, I have found that Bible study software is increasingly helpful. Bible study software reduces the time I spend reading and studying, and also helps me use the powerful search functions. In the past, I have used two different Bible study software resources: BibleWorks and Logos Bible Software. I used BibleWorks for Greek and Hebrew studies, and Logos Bible Software for everything else. But BibleWorks has gone the way of the Dodo. They shut down last year and will no longer be selling their software. Thankfully, Logos has me covered. They have an excell...