mark eaton

Talk to God About Your Struggles

“Whenever you are tempted to grumble, come to Me and talk it out. As you open up to Me, I will put My thoughts in your mind.” – Jesus Calling, October 9 As a pastor, I’m called upon to create sermons each week. And one particular Sunday morning, I felt like I had a good handle on the sermon I would be giving in a couple of hours. I’d just battled a short bout of sickness, and I was beginning to perk up and have some energy. I was ready and felt pretty good about the message I planned to give.  But on the way to church, the good feelings disappeared when I learned some disturbing news about a friend I care about deeply. Both my wife and I had spent significant hours and energy to encourage this person to walk in a better direction. It hit me hard that they had willfully strayed off the...

Every Scar Has a Story: Mark Eaton & Kelsey Lamb

Mark Eaton: When I think of forgiveness, [I don’t think of it] as a one-time event, but as an ongoing posture of “live to forgive,” and not just repenting now, but repenting always.  When I see that little part of me [that says], “I want to take control,” I need to remember that I can control things sometimes, but I need to love people. I can fix things sometimes, but I need to love people, not fix things and fix people. I want to fix things and love people. Every Scar Has a Story: Mark Eaton & Kelsey Lamb – Episode #155 Narrator: Welcome to the Jesus Calling Podcast. Today we talk with two guests from different walks of life who share their heartaches and scars with others so they can be encouraged to find their way: pastor and writer Mark Eaton, and country music singer/songwrit...

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