next door nashville

God Loves Broken People: The Next Door’s Lauren, Aja, & Natalie

Lauren: The breath of fresh air that I’ve got in life now, the peace that I have—that’s something I never had before. It was always just an edge. [I was] anxious and fearful, and I don’t live life in fear anymore. Now I know that no matter what happens, no matter what comes, I’m going to be okay. God Loves Broken People: The Next Door’s Lauren, Aja, & Natalie – Episode #168 Narrator: Welcome to the Jesus Calling Podcast. On this episode, we feature stories from The Next Door—a nonprofit, faith-based organization that helps women who are coming out of incarceration return to society and provides resources and treatments so they can successfully transition back to life outside of prison. During this episode, we’ll hear the stories of three women who came to The Next Door after trauma and...

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