Practice of Prayer

To Hold Your Head High, Bow It in Prayer

Standing in the confined space between hefty metal doors, we waited to be buzzed through to enter the cinder-block prison gymnasium. Soon the room would fill to capacity with more than 300 inmates in blue jumpsuits, ready to gather for church. I was filled with a mixture of nervous jitters and excitement, anticipating the work God would do in the lives of the women in front of me.  I’d been thinking about these women for days leading up to my visit. I imagined their shoulders slumped under the heaviness of separation from family. I thought their eyes would be downcast from the strain of loneliness and isolation, the burden of broken relationships, the heavy feelings of defeat.  A piercing sound signaled our entrance into the room. As the women filed in, we noticed they were radia...

The Consistent Practice of Prayer

Rest in Me, My child. Give your mind a break from planningand trying to anticipate what will happen. Pray continually, asking My Spirit to take charge of the details of this day.Jesus Calling, June 10 I don’t know about you, but I’m a do-er. I like to make a plan, create action steps, and then create boxes for those action steps that I can check off. Yes, I’m that girl. I want to look and feel productive. If there’s a problem, I want to solve it. I want there to be a tangible way to grasp the solution. And that’s exactly why prayer was so hard for me to prioritize. Prioritizing prayer I was too busy hitting the ground running as soon as I woke up, working and taking care of everyone else throughout my day, and then falling into bed exhausted. After realizing that prayer should be a huge pa...