
Who were the Desert Fathers?

The meeting of Anthony the great and father Paul St. Anthony the Great, also known as St. Anthony of Egypt, was a monk who died around the year 356 A.D. He is one of the desert fathers and a lot has been written about his life by his student, Athanasius the Great, who many may know from the Athanasian Creed used by Roman Catholics, Lutherans an Anglicans. There are many anecdotes known from the desert fathers and mothers, the believers of the first centuries of Christianity. These are simple stories from a bygone era that surprisingly often prove to be super relevant today. Such as the following anecdote in which St. Paul of Thebes (who died in 342 A.D.) comes to visit him. Father Paul visits father Anthony Father Paul once visited Anthony when he was teaching three monks about a very diff...

Following Jesus

The Christian faith is not only something for your brain. It’s something that has to do with every aspect of everyday life. Many times Jesus asked people to follow him. It will not be easy, he often pointed out. He described it as ‘take up your cross and follow me’. But also he promised he will be there so you are not alone in the dark. So, how do you become a follower of Jesus? Well, by following Jesus. We know a lot about the message and life of Jesus through the stories we know from the Bible. Even when you’re not that familiar with these ancient stories, you probably will recognize the basic message Jesus lived and preached. It all circles around these beautiful simple words, words like love, forgiveness, humility, hospitality, justice, and thankfulness. The amazing thing is that these...

Are the Gospels reliable?

THE MOST IMPORTANT EXISTING OPINIONS ON THE MATTER There will be no end to the debate on whether or not the gospels in the Bible are reliable. These books were written centuries ago and there simply isn’t any hard evidence for historians to use. Here’s a summary of the existing opinions: MOSTLY UNRELIABLE 1. MIRACLES DON’T EXIST ‘There are the descriptions of miracles, and miracles don’t exist, so those sections need to be deleted anyway. But then what does that tell you about the author? How believable can he be? You’ll have to take the rest of his report with a grain of salt as well.’ 2. INSPIRED BY OTHER STORIES ‘There are many myths that refer to gods visiting in human form, who, for example, conceive a child. The story of Jesus is inspired by these.’ 3. NO HISTORICAL RECORDS ‘The book...

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