Sacrifice of thanksgiving

The Gift of Giving Thanks

“I can never thank You too fervently or frequently.” Jesus Listens, November 1 For many people, it’s difficult to see how life can be considered a gift, because that means they’d need to acknowledge the Giver. Most people want to make it seem like they don’t need someone else’s help. We humans take pride in our independence. The Jewish tradition has an inspiring view of gratitude that I think every person, no matter their religion, can learn something from. Every day it is the goal of those who practice this particular tradition to recite one hundred blessings—or thanks—to God, beginning with eighteen blessings right when they wake up in the morning. The tradition says that as you are sleeping, your soul leaves your body, and what better way to come back to reality upon waking than to reci...

Giving Thanks through the Pain

“When you approach Me with thanksgiving, the Light of My Presence pours into you, transforming you through and through. Walk in the Light with Me by practicing the discipline of thanksgiving.” Jesus Calling, April 6 A few years ago, when I finished speaking at a ladies’ retreat, a dear woman approached me with tears in her eyes. I could tell by the sweet smile shining through her tears that she wanted to share something from her heart. “I could relate to your stories about your daughter’s illness.” She looked down for a moment and then began again. “I have recently been declared cancer-free. Last summer, the sun was shining beautifully through my bedroom window, but I was in the worst pain I’d ever experienced. My throat was on fire from the cancer treatments, and the pain medication ...