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Taylor Swift’s new song moves mothers to mourn their miscarried babies…..

Taylor Swift’s new song moves mothers to mourn their miscarried babies…..

Many women on social media suspect one new Taylor Swift song could be about miscarrying a child.

The song entitled, “Bigger Than The Whole Sky,” moved countless women to share stories about pregnancy loss on social media.

Swift’s lyrics discuss an undefined loss that makes her “sick with sadness.” She says goodbye to an individual she never met, but was “more than just a short time” and “should’ve been you.”

October is also Pregnancy and Infant Loss Awareness Month.

Here’s the song below:

[embedded content]Click here if you cannot see the video above.

Countless women responded to the song on social media with their pregnancy and infant loss testimonies.

Here’s what some women said below:

YouTube user Stephanie Strangegirl wrote, “I was supposed to have twins. Only one survived. I carried a lot of guilt for not being able to kiss her [and] hold her like I can her living sister. / This captures those feelings well.”

YouTube user Ruby Ayers also wrote, “I miscarried in August, this song captures everything I felt, and still continue to feel sometimes. There was no way I could ever be prepared for how painful and gut-wrenching it is. I am comforted to see that I’m not alone, and that so many other humans are coming here to talk about similar experiences. This song is powerful that way. / I can not get over this ethereal ballad.”

YouTube user P.G. Melton added, “This such a bitter sweet song. I lost my baby at 15 weeks. The pain of that loss never goes away. It’s comforting to know I’m not alone.”

YouTube user Ellis Mcgillion said, “This song really hits hard. I lost my baby in March this year, and the due date was [two] days ago. Waking up at 5 a.m. on the 21st to hear the album, and hearing this song was so unexpected. [It] made me feel slightly less alone that day.”

“As being a part of the 1 in 4, this truly hits the soul,” YouTube user Chelsea Johnson shared. “I miscarried at 10 weeks this year on September 9th and I’m so glad this song came out during Infant Loss Awareness Month. Thank you, Taylor for this beautiful song!”

YouTube user Jodi Greenleaves added, “This song is perfection. I lost my stillborn son in May of 2020 and this song describes how I’ve felt ever since then. Thank you for this song, Taylor. It now means so much to me.”

“After multiple baby losses, this really expresses it so beautifully. ‘What coulda been shoulda been,’ YouTube user Soness Stevens said. “Thank you, Taylor, for sharing. And if this was personal for you, whatever you are grieving, I’m so sorry for what you are going through.”

YouTube user Rachel Roper also commented, “These lyrics really ripped into my heart and [took] me back to 2018 when I lost my baby boy at 37 weeks. The following months were the darkest and saddest I’ve ever lived. I fully relate to crying so much that tears would stream down to my ears.”

YouTube user JL Collins also wrote, “This hits hard with undertones of pregnancy loss. So incredibly well-written and grief-stricken in a way everyone can relate to when we suffer any loss, whether [or not] pregnancy loss is the inspiration. I tip my heart to you Taylor.”

Taylor Swift’s Abortion Support

While many women find consolation in her song lyrics, Swift announced her staunch support for abortion following the Supreme Court’s decision overturning Roe v. Wade.

“Human life must be respected and protected absolutely from the moment of conception. From the first moment of his existence, a human being must be recognized as having the rights of a person – among which is the inviolable right of every innocent being to life.” (Catechism of the Catholic Church, 2270)

Let us remember life is sacred at all stages, no matter the circumstances.

Say a prayer for mothers mourning the loss of a child!

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[See also: Disney Star David Henrie Reveals Pope Francis Predicted Rainbow Baby’s Birth: “He Told Me Not To Worry”]

[See also: For My Child Who Was Never Born]F



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