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Which Tale Should I Tell?

Which Tale Should I Tell?

They triumphed over him by the blood of the Lamb and by the word of their testimony; they did not love their lives so much as to shrink from death.

Revelation 12:11 (NIV)

I could tell you my story as a tale of woe
Highlighting trauma from ages ago

I could tell you my story as a tale of fear
Of barely subsisting in a world so drear

I could tell you my story as a tale of despair
Recounting loss that seems more than my share

But instead I will tell you my story of grace
How Jesus came in with a loving embrace

And I will recount my story of hope
How Jesus provided the strength to cope

I want you to hear my redemption story
How Jesus healed me and received His due glory

For no story’s worthwhile that ends in death
We need resurrection and God’s holy breath

Linda L.

Linda L. Kruschke is the author of My Name Is Beloved, winner of the Unpublished Memoir category of the Oregon Christian Writers Cascade Writing Contest, as well as a self-published author of two poetry books. She is a wife, mother, active member of her church, former Bible Study Fellowship leader, and recovering lawyer. She works as the Director of Legal Publications for the Oregon State Bar. But her real passion is sharing God’s healing grace with others, especially those haunted by sexual trauma and abortion. She struggled with major clinical depression for many years, but through the power of forgiveness has become a fearless follower of Christ, living in the assurance of her salvation and God’s love. She blogs at Another Fearless Year and Broken Believers.

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