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13 cool pro-life signs and shirts posted during March for Life 2021…

13 cool pro-life signs and shirts posted during March for Life 2021…

This year, the March for Life was mainly virtual. However, many still posted their great pro-life signs on Twitter and Instagram. I found the best 13 on those two platforms on January 29th at about the same time as the March for Life. Some are from local events held this year, some are people taking selfies at home while tuning in virtually and some are from past years I had not seen before. And, I’ve seen most of the good signs, making posts on the best MFL signs in 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019, and 2020.

Adoption saves lives

The beauty of adoption in the Bible and in the lives of people we know.
@joelpmaxwell on Instagram

Making new history

The 70's called, they want their ruling back
@CeeJayCraig on Twitter

Speaking up for the little ones

Speak up for those who cannot speak for themselves.
@RespectLifeOfcD on Twitter

Just a clump of cells

You're also just a clump of cells.
@CeeJayCraig took this photo

Pro-life feminist

This is what a Pro-Life Feminist Looks Like
@RehumanizeIntl on Twitter

Rise up for life, like Hamilton

Rise up like Hamilton
@kristacorbello on Instagram

Extinction sucks

Extinction Sucks says dinosaurs
@JCAKE12 on Twitter

Pro-life Friends

Pro-Life Friends
@kerrysilidker on Instagram

Your momma

Your mother was Pro-Life
@RespectLifeOfcD on Instagram

Yoda says sizes doesn’t matter

Yoda says size doesn't matter
@_jay_rad__ on Instagram


Pro-life, pro-diversity
@JCAKE12 on Twitter

Many hearts broken

One Life taken, many hearts broken.
@RespectLifeOfcD on Twitter

No trading lives

We don't trade lives
@discipleofadonai on Instagram

I’ sure plenty of others were posted but these were the ones that stood out to me.

Note: please support me on Patreon to continue writing on this blog.

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