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Human beings aren’t clownfish…

Human beings aren’t clownfish…

I have a few new readers because of this post yesterday. Welcome – and stick around. Most of my gender-related posts are linked here. I’m a little behind, but the gist is there.

Here’s a primer:

Human beings can’t change sex.

Need more?

Okay, here goes.

Sex-based protections and divisions are important in some areas. For example, it is essential that women and girls be able to retain private spaces when they wish, especially for restrooms, changing areas, prisons, health care, education and prisons.

In addition, it is essential that reporting of sex in relation to certain areas be accurate and sex-based: scientific research, health care and crime, in particular.

Contemporary gender ideology says that “woman” or “man” is most accurately envisioned as “gender” – which is fluid and is not tied to one’s body. One is “assigned a sex at birth” which may or may not be accurate.

Therefore, if one feels one has been assigned incorrectly, one has the right to present and be treated as the “correct” gender and has the right to do whatever is necessary to make the outside match the inside.

The goal of gender activists is gender self-identification: the gender as you have a right to be treated is determined by your feelings. It is an internal reality – to be identified as a “woman” should require nothing more than a person’s assertion – no hormones, no surgery, not even any change in presentation.

This of course, ends up being twisted in logical knots since – well, if the gender you think you are doesn’t need to match your sex, then why bother to change your body so it aligns with your preferred sex?

Much of this used to be categorized under the mental illness of “gender dysphoria,” but in much of the West activists have been successful in reshaping the conversation in terms of “identity.”

Do you see the consequences?

Gender self-identity means that a person can declare themselves, legally and socially, any gender they like and no one has a right to question it, since it’s all in your head anyway.

This isn’t a fantasy.

There are states in which you can change gender on your birth certificate without any physician’s documentation.

The US government last week instituted a policy that you can, when you apply for a passport, check any “gender marker” you like.

You can now select the gender you would like printed on your U.S. passport, even if the gender you select does not match the gender on your supporting documentation such as a birth certificate, previous passport, or state ID. We no longer require medical certification to change the gender marker on your U.S. passport.

To request a new passport with a different gender than the one you have on your current passport, or if you are applying for your first passport, submit a new application and select your preferred gender marker. Follow the steps on this page to learn which form to submit. You can select “M” or “F” which are the gender markers currently available. We are working to add a gender marker for non-binary, intersex, and gender non-conforming persons as soon as possible.

In previous posts, I’ve chronicled the many horrendous real world consequences of gender self-id that are not, indeed fantasies, but are already happening. Crimes being reported as committed by women, when they were actually men. Male prisoners getting the right to be incarcerated in women’s prisons (in the last couple of months, that “right” won in California, Washington, New Jersey and Maine). Men taking spots on women’s sports teams and competitions. Men using self-id as a way to gain access to women’s private spaces like restrooms, changing rooms and, as exploded last week in California, spas.

There is of course a philosophical issue with the whole notion of transgenderism, but I think it’s simpler and even a matter of urgency to grasp on to the danger and nonsense of self-identification and work from there. As I have written before, this isn’t about declaring all people who consider themselves “trans” dangerous – it’s about the danger to women and girls from perverts, weirdos and just all-round dangerous people who will exploit self-id to gain access to spaces and potential victims.

If gender self-id is the law of the land, there is no way to stop them.

The realization of which, I hope, will lead people down that straight road called Logic Avenue. Simply: you can’t change sex. You can’t. You can present in gender-non conforming ways, you can chop up your body, you can perform as the other sex, but that doesn’t make you that sex.

If I had a double mastectomy tomorrow and a total hysterectomy the next, and if my estrogen and progesterone continued on their merry post-menopausal decline – guess what? I’m still a woman. Not a man. Not even if I changed my name.

And no, “deciding” I’m a man doesn’t change that. Apply that logic outward. Just keep going.

So Elliot Page, who’s had a double mastectomy, changed her name and is presumably on testosterone – is still a woman. She’s a woman who, like many women, has had a double mastectomy, has wonky hormones and changed her name. Still a woman.

For that reason – no, I don’t use “preferred” pronouns and will continue to refer to people in relation to their sex. Caitlyn Jenner is a man. Elliot Page is a woman. Lauren Hubbard is a man. If you want to read a strong, potentially offensive explanation of why I and many others won’t give in – read this.

 I want to be alert. I want others to be alert. I want people to see the real picture, and I want those instinctive reactions that we feel when something is wrong, to be un-blunted, un-dulled by this cheap but effective psychological trick. I feel like I owe this to myself, and I absolutely owe it to other women.

And more than anything, I owe this to girls. I don’t want to play even the tiniest part in grooming them to disregard their natural protective instincts. Those instincts are there for a reason. To keep them safe. They need those instincts intact, and sharp.

And that’s why I won’t use preferred pronouns.

I have much more to say about this – I’ve said some of it, and will continue to say more. I think the Catholic Church has important input on this, and it’s not about male-female complementariness or women’s roles or any rot like that. Sorry. It’s about the body in this world. Some of it I said here. More to come.

This isn’t a niche issue. For pete’s sake, the Biden administration is moving firmly and quickly to institute gender self-identity in every aspect of life it gain access to.

There needs to be honest conversation about this – about the different types of mental illness and fetishism that present under the trans umbrella, about the consequences for public spaces, for language, and most importantly, for women and girls – and their safety.

This is from 2019, but still timely:

In refugee camps across the globe, there is an increased demand for adult diapers. Is this because of some fetish? No. It’s because the females in these camps know that to walk to the bathroom alone at night puts them at a dramatically increased risk of rape, and they would rather sit for hours in their own excrement than risk being violated.

Amnesty International has called sex-exclusive toilets a human rights issue and the difference between whether many girls will be able to receive an education. These scenarios highlight a bleak reality that everyone already knows: Since the dawn of time, women and girls have been oppressed on the basis of our sex, not our perceived sense of gender or our affinity for pink.

Across the globe, a category of humans routinely falls victim to the overwhelming majority of the world’s sexual and domestic violence. They are sold as child brides, trafficked as sex slaves, rented as “breeders,” denied basic education, aborted in utero at the first sign of a vulva, and subject to a litany of human rights atrocities. Their oppression has nothing to do with their fashion preferences or their desire to wear a dress and everything to do with the material reality of their biological sex. They are females.

Policing pronouns is a luxury of the privileged. Women and girls across the world who are fighting tooth and nail for their basic human rights and sex-based protections do not have the luxury of sitting around overhauling their language or bullying everyone else into compliance with their demands. This is some navel-gazing, narcissistic nonsense.

You can safely assume you have a whole lot of privilege when you can look at the basic human protections women in third world countries are so desperate to acquire, flush them down the drain, and declare that these same protections are somehow oppressing you.

This is from a few days ago, and may contain some vaguely anti-religious material that might offend, and may not be to your taste, but it’s a succinct summary of the nonsense and perhaps an education for you if you’ve never stopped to think about what “gender affirmation” medical practices really are. It might disturb you if you’ve never looked into it. The video also highlights the profit motive in all of this.

After all, if you start a person – especially a child – on the road to medical “transition” – you are signing them up for a lifetime of medical expenses, from hormones to surgeries.

[embedded content]

Finally for today, a good thread on Twitter. It’s related to a British law, but makes points pertinent to the greater conversation.

No, we should not recognise gender. Gender is nothing but a man-made lie about sex. A lie about me, about my daughter, my cousins, my mother, and about every woman.

Gender is a man-made lie about my sex, woven into a handmaid’s cloak by politicians, that I’m now forced to wear to serve men.

I don’t recognise your gender. The law does, but I don’t. I’m not a mirror reflecting back a pleasing image to a man. My sex is not recognisable in a man

I don’t recognise this lie. I’m not what this law says I am.

The men that this law ‘recognises’ as female, are not female. And I reject their claim. They wear the word for my sex like it was a garment they fancy.

But it isn’t, it’s my body, and my existence.

They aren’t female.

The law has corrupted me and my sex into a gender so that men could wear me. Enough. It cannot be redeemed because it’s rotten to the core.

So. If anyone should wish to weigh up the unhappiness of any man who wishes he was a woman? Don’t forget to do this too: Weigh up the distress, anger and anguish of women, girls, and generations of girls not yet born, who have had an entire Act of Parliament written that has redefined us into a grotesque lie purely to please men. Men who refuse to surrender the hideous stereotypes they worship.

No. Just no.

We deserve the truth about ourselves more than he deserves the lie. That’s the sum of it. Gender is heinous. Insidious lies about sex. I reject it unreservedly, every last speck of it. I would salvage none of it. Let it sink for good.

We’ll find another way.

Final takeaway? There’s more to this than “being kind.” Much more. Much, much more.

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