Author: S&P

I don’t envy King Charles the life he has led and will lead, presumably till he dies…..

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Celebrities, monarchs, politicos, clergy and sacramental ghosts in coronation of Charles III…

If you read the main Associated Press report about the coronation of King Charles III then you know, in summary material near the top, that the rites were attended by “celebrities including Judi Dench, Emma Thompson and Lionel Richie.” You would not, however, know that — for the first time in history — the monarch processed into Westminster Abbey behind a new Cross of Wales which, because of a rec...

How to teach through the heart, with words of wisdom from the late Cardinal Pell…

The young man was perplexed upon hearing that God loves him but also allowed him to sin of his own free will. The statement by the guest lecturer was difficult for him to comprehend as a person who believed in God but had chosen not to act on his belief in God. How can a God who supposedly loves everyone allow the very same person to reject him? It simply did not make sense to him. As the presenta...

Why we should celebrate Mother’s Day…

The extraordinary richness of what-it-is-to-be-human can be veiled by its normality. Wisdom is often in noticing things so ordinary that they escape notice. Such as motherhood. We should observe Mother’s Day if for no other reason than it prompts us to look again at something right in front of us. By an unalterable if somewhat surprising design of nature, everyone has a mother. To say that the rol...

To the Single Mom Who Feels Left Out

My dad was a hard-working farmer from Mississippi who missed the first few weeks of school each year, because he had to pick cotton. He did, indeed, walk miles to school each day, barefooted and in overalls. Like his family before him, he made a living as a farmer and fisherman for most of my life. He had several side hustles, before anyone even knew what that was! While we always had plenty of fo...

Shame on Dennis Prager for defending porn…

In a recent discussion with Jordan Peterson, “conservative” radio host Dennis Prager recently defended both lust and pornography. Prager objected to Jesus’ admonition that a man who lusts after a woman has already committed adultery in his heart. Prager smugly stated: “There is only one way to commit adultery in Judaism, and it’s with a different organ.” Peterson, widely noted for his quick wit, s...

We Need to Recover a Sense of the Sacred in God’s House — and Here’s How We Can Begin…

We honor Almighty God by arriving for Mass ahead of time and blessing ourselves as we enter our Father’s house. Writing in Niedziela [“Sunday”], one of the two national Catholic weekly newspapers in Poland, Father “A.P.” made these thought-provoking observations about punctuality for Mass: The later we show up in church before Mass, the later we enter into a genuine climate of prayer. Some people ...

Archdiocese of New York ‘Investigating’ Parish for Displaying Blasphemous ‘God Is Trans; There Is No Devil’ Exhibit Next to Side Altar…

“If media reports are accurate, then we would have concerns. We are investigating and looking to speak with the pastor of the parish to get more information,” the spokesperson said. CNA reached out to the archdiocese and the pastor of the church, Father Rick Walsh, for comment on Tuesday but did not receive a response before publication. Parishioners have been divided on the exhibit. The New York ...

Is objective morality real?

A reader writes: I have been really hurting due to a question that I can’t seem to find an answer to wherever I look. Wherever I go, I can’t find a Christian that will answer my questions. I am Catholic, but this particular question causes me pain, because morality is the bedrock that my framework is built upon. My question is, how do I know that Morality is real? I heard that morality is just a h...

An epic problem and humanitarian balloons…

An epic problem and humanitarian balloons Skip to content Hey everybody, Today is Tuesday of the Fifth Week of Easter, and you’re reading The Tuesday Pillar Post. Credit: Unsplash The news The World Health Organization declared on Friday that Covid-19 is no longer a “global health emergency” — a move which has legal and policy effects in jurisdictions around the world. For most people, Covid, has ...

Did early Christians believe in dragons?

Today people are fascinated by cryptids—hidden creatures—like Bigfoot and the Loch Ness Monster. In the ancient world, the most famous cryptid was the dragon, so did early Christians believe in them? The term dragon (Greek, drakôn) appears in the Greek Bible, but normally it is in a symbolic context—like when the devil appears in the form of a dragon in the book of Revelation (e.g., Rev. 12). So t...

Rest Is A Gift, Not A Burden

“You are the only resting place for my mind that truly satisfies and strengthens me. As I rest in Your peaceful Presence, true hope grows within me.” – Jesus Listens, March 11 I learned early on that fewer things in life carried more value than a strong work ethic. It’s one of the first rhythms I remember learning as a child: work hard, accomplish goals, receive praise. Rinse, repeat. Working Hard...