
8 Things You Need to Know About the Immaculate Conception…

December 8th marks the feast of the Immaculate Conception. It celebrates an important point of Catholic teaching, and it is a holy day of obligation. Here are 8 things you need to know about the teaching and the way we celebrate it. 1. Who does the Immaculate Conception refer to?  There’s a popular idea that it refers to Jesus’ conception by the Virgin Mary.  It doesn’t.  Instead, it refers to the special way in which the Virgin Mary herself was conceived.  This conception was not virginal. (That is, she had a human father as well as a human mother.) But it was special and unique in another way. . .  2. What is the Immaculate Conception?  The Catechism of the Catholic Church explains it this way:  490 To become the mother of the Saviour,...

‘I Bring Thanks and Supplications From All Your Children’: Pope Makes Traditional Visit to Piazza di Spagna’s Column of the Immaculate Conception…

By Francesca Merlo  Pope Francis on Thursday travelled to Rome’s Piazza di Spagna for his customary act of veneration to Our Lady, on the Solemnity of the Immaculate Conception liturgically celebrated on 8 December by the Church. It is customary for the Holy Father to travel to the Column of the Immaculate Conception on the feast day, though the last two years the visit has been private and very early in the morning in order to adhere to restrictions put in place for the Covid-19 pandemic. Traditionally, the Pope places a bouquet of white roses at the base of the column and prays for her intercession to help all people in their suffering and struggles. Prayers for peace, prayers for Ukraine This year, the Pope focused his prayers, in a special way, on peace in the world, and...

How to use MyHeritage’s AI Time Machine, a tool that shows what you would look like throughout history…

MyHeritage’s “AI Time Machine” can generate pictures of what you might have looked like hundreds of years ago. Once you upload your photos to the AI Time Machine, it’ll transport you back to World War II, Ancient Rome, and more. MyHeritage claims they won’t share your photos with third parties, and that you completely own the resulting images. Between Open AI and DALL·E mini, fun AI tools are all the rage these days. And now, even companies that don’t have anything to do with AI are jumping into the game. MyHeritage is known for their DNA testing kits and online ancestry trackers. But they’ve just released a new feature called AI Time Machine, which uses AI to create pictures of you living in all sorts of different time periods. Here’s a guid...

For the glory of God and the salvation of souls, we have to muster the courage to preach purity in the face of sexual license…

By Dr. Jeff Mirus ( bio – articles – email ) | Dec 06, 2022 Human sexual depravity apparently knows no limits. In the latest effort to break down all barriers to a distorted self-realization of the people, by the people and for the people, a Dean of Trinity College (Cambridge) has defended the speculation of a junior research fellow who displayed photographs of the wounds of Christ and argued that one of the wounds was vaginal in character and suggested that Christ was transgendered: This at an evensong service in the college chapel. I actually hate to mention such a revolting assertion and its defense, which reveals only how far people will go when they are in flight from reality. But this incident does reveal how determined our modern secular culture is to assert the control ...

God doesn’t care about our politics the way you think he does…

What a difference six years and a midterm make. Many Christians I know, who’d been jubilant at the prospect of a Republican red wave on election night, didn’t feel that way the next day. The history of midterm elections, the president’s low popularity rating, the low state of the economy, the hard progressive views of many Democrats, had led most of the country to believe the Republicans would sweep to victory. They didn’t. Everyone has an explanation. I have my theories, of course, as someone professionally involved in observing political life, but I’d stress to disappointed Christians that the results show the psalmist’s wisdom, telling us, “Put not your trust in princes.” Here I’d like to talk about the midterm results, compared with the results in 2016, when the same people did not exp...

This German bishops-backed website has been pushing some strange, heterodox content lately…..

It is a challenge to find an article on that isn’t seemingly desperate to push the narrative that the Church must change in some heterodox way, especially regarding sexual immorality A quick glance at this week’s content on — the German bishops’ conference-backed news website — and you will come across content that effectively parodies today’s dissenting German Church as its members push a radical heterodox agenda through its multi-year Synodal Path that many have warned could lead to schism. Based in Bonn, where the bishops’ conference is headquartered, bills itself as “the news and information portal of the Catholic Church in Germany” that “cooperates with the 27 German dioceses and other Church institutions.” Although not overtly part of the bis...

Tell your daughter she’s beautiful…..

[embedded content] How can women come to have a proper perception of their own beauty? I have a suggestion toward a partial answer. A great beginning is that fathers learn to see their daughters’ beauty; and then tell them. I think we fathers too easily forget that insistent voices are telling our daughters how to see themselves. Indeed, these voices are fairly screaming. How insistent and confident is our voice, and what exactly are we saying? Here is a matter for careful reflection. It might be more urgent than we realize. There is a fascinating difference between men and women as regards being told ‘you are beautiful.’ Men surely want to be ‘attractive’ or ‘handsome.’ But we normally don’t speak of men as ‘beautiful.’ Or, if we do say ‘he is a beautiful person,’ we are often simply abst...

German Bishops Assess Global Support for Agenda of ‘Synodal Way’…

The German bishops’ conference unveiled the initial results Wednesday of a study measuring global support for the goals of the country’s controversial “synodal way.” The study, co-funded by the bishops’ conference, is gauging the attitude of Catholics around the world toward the four main themes of the German initiative: power, the priesthood, women in the Church, and sexuality. The 599 participants from 67 countries, surveyed online in April, were either current or former beneficiaries of scholarships in Germany, but researchers concluded that this did “not mean that they automatically adopted the German perspective, as shown by the significant differences …  in responses, especially by region.” Almost two-thirds of respondents — more than 90% of whom were Catholic — strongly agreed ...

Pro-life protests gather in Malta as parliament debates legalizing abortion…

VALLETTA, Dec 4 (Reuters) – A large picture of an unborn baby was placed outside the office of Malta’s prime minister on Sunday as demonstrators called on the government to halt plans to amend the country’s strict anti-abortion laws. The protest, the biggest in years, attracted several thousand people including Malta’s top Catholic bishop and the leader of the conservative opposition, but was led by a former centre-left president, Marie Louise Coleiro Preca. “We are here to be the voice of the unborn child,” said 19-year-old university student Maria Formosa, one of the speakers at the rally. “Through abortion, life is always lost.” Some of those present carried placards reading slogans such as “Keep abortion out of Malta” and “Protect o...

Are we ready to welcome Him?

When the first proposition to reject God’s love -original sin was introduced to our first parents, the appeal of this proposition was its focus on the human nature of Adam and Eve at the expense of supplanting the Divine. Choosing to be overwhelmed by a curiosity and desire to be like God, Adam and Eve proclaimed a willingness to welcome the first act of disobedience-sin, into the world. The progression of the original sin laid the groundwork for the development of a daily battle between good versus evil, sin versus grace, permitted under the authority of God. The great twentieth-century theologian Fr. Charles Journet describes sin as being inseparably connected to nothing good and acts only to destroy the work of God[1]; as part of the description, he addresses the question of why God wou...

Coach Joe Mazzulla of the Boston Celtics tells reporters he knows only one royal family — ‘Jesus, Mary and Joseph’…

This is so great! NBA coach Joe Mazzulla of the Boston Celtics answered questions during a press conference following a victory against the Miami Heat on Nov. 30. One reporter asked about the presence of Prince William and Princess Kate Middleton of Wales at the game. “Did you get a chance to meet with the royal family, and if not, what was it like having them there in the building?” the reporter asked. Mazzulla answers, “Jesus, Mary and Joseph?” The reporter laughs and responds, “The prince and princess of Wales.” Mazzulla then says, “I’m only familiar with one royal family. I don’t know too much about that one. But hopefully they’re Celtic fans.” Mazzulla is a devout Catholic and a husband and father of two children. According to this report,  he is “a focused man of faith who count...

Jolly St. Nick, December lists, and Canada’s culture of death…

Hey everybody, Today is the Feast of St. Nicholas, and I hope you found some very nice pieces of candy in your shoe this morning. I certainly did. The Tuesday Pillar Post is coming to your inbox a bit late this morning, because I am in California today, and I just couldn’t compete with the time difference. Sorry, East Coasters – but you can still enjoy reading The Tuesday Pillar Post on your lunch hour! The news First, as I mentioned, today is the Feast of St. Nicholas – which, to my mind, is always when Advent really kicks into high gear, and when I remember that I’d better start obtaining gifts for the people I love. A lot of people tend to remember St. Nicholas for the legend that he punched Arius the heretic during the Council of Nicea. It’s probably not true that Jolly Ol’...