
The British Association of Priests, with 500 members, expresses grave concern about ‘Fiducia Supplicans’…

The statement also expresses the clergy’s concern that conducting such blessings ‘would confuse the faithful over the actual theology of marriage and human sexuality.’ LONDON — Members of a group of British priests and deacons have expressed their opposition to Pope Francis’ new declaration allowing the blessing of same-sex couples and others living in “irregular” relationships, saying they consider such blessings to be “pastorally and practically inadmissible.”  In a statement issued Dec. 21, the British Confraternity of Catholic Clergy, which has 500 members, said the declaration, Fiducia Supplicans, was released at a time of “widespread confusion over Catholic doctrine on same-sex unions and sexual behavior outside marriage.”  They therefore say they feel impelled to re-assert...

Why Navajo is one of the most difficult languages on Earth…

According to many linguists, the most difficult language in the world isn’t Mandarin or Basque or Hungarian or Xhosa, spoken in South Africa, but Navajo. Concentrated in Arizona and New Mexico, the Navajo are one of the largest Native American groups in the United States. Consisting of up to 400,000 tribal members, they are thought to have originated from northwestern Canada and were forcibly moved to their present location by the federal government in the 1860s during the Long Walk. Traditional Navajo families live in circular mud-and-log homes called hogans, create intricate ceremonial paintings made of sand, and hold four-day runs (a ritual called kinaalda) to celebrate young girls turning into adult women. Arguably, the most important aspect of Navajo culture is their language. Also kn...

Respect Life Radio: Maria Palma Smith explains the powerful surrender novena…

“We want quick fixes and The Surrender Novena encourages us to let Jesus take care of it,”said Maria Palma Smith, a certified Catholic life coach and Italian translator who recently finished the transition of Father Don Dolindo, the author of the Surrender Novena, which will be published next year. “We need to surrender our will to God and that’s the hardest thing. Father Dolindo did that and shows us how to surrender because he lived out struggles, poor health and rejection from the Church he loved.” Follow Maria on her YouTube channel at and learn more about Father Dolindo on Catholic Exchange.  Services Marketplace – Listings, Bookings & Reviews Entertainment blogs & Forums

Bishops can turn the new “blessings text” into a virtue…

By Dr. Jeff Mirus ( bio – articles – email ) | Dec 22, 2023 Note at 9:10 pm EST 12/22/2023: Given the rapidity with which opposition by bishops around the world had grown to the new instruction on blessings for same-sex couples since I first began working on this article on Thursday the 21st, and even since I initially posted it earlier in the afternoon today, I found it necessary to make some revisions and repost it. In the interval not only did I become aware of the increasing worldwide resistance but I learned that the notorious Fr. James Martin, SJ had already made a photo-op out of the new instruction by arranging to bless a gay couple for the benefit of a photographer for the New York Times. This pro-LGBTQ+ posturing was, of course, predictable. But I did not anticipate s...

Fiducia Supplicans and the defense of ritual purity…

By Phil Lawler ( bio – articles – email ) | Dec 21, 2023 At my all-boys Catholic high school, one day’s religion class during senior year devolved into a discussion of an issue that was apparently on the mind of at least one student: “How many buttons can I undo on my girlfriend’s blouse before it’s a mortal sin?” Readers can make their own judgments about the prudence of the adult teacher who let that conversation take place in a classroom full of teenagers. For now I want to focus on the attitude behind the young man’s question—an attitude which is unfortunately widespread. What is the minimum that I have to do in order to avoid damnation? How much can I get away with? How far can I indulge myself without risking my immortal soul? Bad news: If you are asking those questions, ...

Top Catholic prelate in Ukraine invokes canon law to declare that ‘Fiducia Supplicans’ applies only to the Latin Church…

ROME – Amid a broad spectrum of reactions unleashed by Fiducia Supplicans, a new Vatican document permitting non-liturgical blessings of same-sex couples, Ukraine’s Greek Catholic Church has become the first eastern communion to declare explicitly that the document does not apply outside the Latin Church. “On the basis of canon. 1492 of the CCCC this Declaration concerns purely the Latin Church and has no legal force for the faithful of the Ukrainian Greek-Catholic Church,” said Major Archbishop Sviatoslav Shevchuk, head of the Church, in a Dec. 22 statement. Shevchuk was referring to a provision of the Code of Canons for the Eastern Churches, which states: “Laws enacted by the supreme authority of the Church, in which the passive subject is not expressly indicated, affect only the Christi...

The Catholic Church is getting closer to getting her first samurai saint, Justus Ukon Takayama…

A renowned Japanese warrior in his day and a man of great learning and culture, Takayama renounced his power and possessions rather than give up his Christian faith. For his defiance Takayama was exiled from Japan, fleeing with 300 other Christians to the Philippines where he died in 1615.  In 2016, Pope Francis approved a decree designating Takayama’s death as a martyrdom and he was officially beatified in February 2017. To be canonized as the Church’s first samurai saint, the Vatican must approve at least one verified miracle attributed to Takayama’s intercession.  Samurai, general, ruler … saint? Born in a castle to a noble Japanese Buddhist family in 1552, Takayama was raised to be a warrior and an exemplar of the Japanese spirit and culture. The Takayama were daimyo: m...

I have a confession to make: For 20 years I’ve been a keen fan of the Wiggles. No, I haven’t lost my senses. And yes, I am being serious…..

Why, one wonders, would readers of The Imaginative Conservative be interested in hearing of my enjoyment of music videos designed for very young children? The answer is that the Wiggles offer children (of all ages) entertainment that is both imaginative and conservative. I have a confession to make. For almost twenty years I’ve been a keen fan of the Wiggles. I own dozens of their DVDs, all of which I’ve watched countless times. For those who haven’t heard of the Wiggles, they have been a hugely popular music and dance group, catering to the pre-school and grade school children’s market. Their greatest hits include Get Ready to Wiggle, Rock-a-bye Your Bear and Toot Toot, Chugga Chugga, Big Red Car. No, I haven’t lost my senses. And, yes I am being serious. Perhaps some further explanation ...

We’ve long heard there was “no room at the inn” — but what inn?

The typical re-telling of the Christmas story has Joseph, Mary and the donkey arriving in Bethlehem on a cold, winter night looking for a place to stay. All the hotels have “No Vacancy” signs on display because so many people, like Mary and Joseph, have traveled to Bethlehem to register for the census. A grumpy innkeeper turns them away, but on second thought says if they want they can shelter in the stables. By now Mary is experiencing contractions and desperate for a place where she can give birth, Joseph finds a makeshift shelter in a drafty shed with the donkeys and oxen. He fills a rickety wooden feeding trough with straw to make a crib for the newborn, and when baby Jesus arrives he is wrapped tightly in strips of cloth and laid in the manger bed. Is that how it happened? No, not rea...

The Civil War started and ended on the same person’s property…..

The 1860s brought war to the doorsteps of many Americans, but none as literally as Wilmer McLean, who witnessed the beginning and end of the Civil War from his own home. McLean and his wife, Virginia Mason, moved to Manassas, Virginia, in 1853, shortly after their wedding. A few years later, the couple was surprised when Confederate General P.G.T. Beauregard commandeered their property to serve as his headquarters ahead of the first major land battle of the Civil War, the First Battle of Bull Run (although several smaller skirmishes had been fought during the months prior). The home was so close to the action that a cannonball soared through the kitchen and landed in the fireplace. The battle ended on July 21, 1861, in a Confederate victory, and as the fighting continued, the McLeans decid...

The oceans contain 3 million shipwrecks, with $60 billion worth of treasure, and fewer than 1% of the wrecks have been explored…..

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Cardinal Fernández Discusses ‘Fiducia Supplicans’ in Exclusive New Interview, Says Same-Sex Blessing ‘Does Not Validate or Justify Anything’…

Cardinal Fernández: Same-sex blessing ‘does not validate or justify anything’ Skip to content Lee en español. Church leaders have been in the grip of sharp debate this week, after the Vatican’s Dicastery for the Doctrine of the Faith published on Monday Fiducia supplicans, a declaration which offered a framework for clerical blessings of same-sex couples, and others living in relationships outside of marriage.  Cardinal Víctor Manuel Fernández, prefect of the Dicastery for the Doctrine of the Faith, pictured Sept. 30, 2023. © Mazur/ Some bishops’ conferences and dioceses which had already given a green light to such blessings, in Belgium and Germany especially, saw in the document a validation of their approach to the issue, with some promising to defy the document by pub...