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Correspondence (choreographed?) with a hostile Congregation for Divine Worship reveals possible future applications of Traditionis Custodes…

Correspondence (choreographed?) with a hostile Congregation for Divine Worship reveals possible future applications of Traditionis Custodes…

UPDATE 7 Nov 2021:

HERE Fr. Hunwicke has excellent comments on a perhaps mendacious element of the Roche/Nichols square dance, towit, the claim that Paul VI abrogated the 1962 Missal.

He didn’t.  That’s false.  He knows this.

When did the Congregation for Divine Worship become the Ministry of Truth?

No, wait.  We know that.

If you have not read George Orwell’s 1984, or if you haven’t read it since, say, high school, get a copy – a real book, before it is banned and impossible to buy – and read it.  It describes the mind, the world-view, behind much of what we see going on today.

The Ministry of Truth was charged with rewriting, falsifying, history.  They found undesirable facts in the records and media and, having rewritten them, they sent the original document down the “memory hole”.  The new “fact” becomes the “fact”.  At least until the new “fact” is inconvenient.   Then the process starts over.

Rather like how the libs in charge of liturgical translation want constant revision of texts to suit current times.   Hmmm… who was in charge of ICEL again?

The Ministry wants you to be able to say on one day that 2+2=5 and tomorrow 2+2=7, and then back to 2+2=5.  They want you to say that there are five fingers (or lights) when there are truly only four.

If you don’t behave, you get to go to the Ministry of Love.  Guess what happens there!

Does the leadership of the Congregation want to change the fact about the 1962 Missale Romanum?

Down the memory hole goes Summorum Pontificum and his magisterium… and the magisterium of John Paul II, which they have been systematically dismantling.

What will happen to priests who do not accept that 2+2=5 and continue to use the 1962 Missale Romanum?

A trip to the Ministry of Mercy?


1984 by George Orwell


I think many of us have been waiting for the other shoe to drop when it comes to the unusually cruel and unnecessary Traditionis custodes, Francis’ sad legacy document. His Plessy v. Ferguson.

Ironically, these came to me on 5 November, a day for infamous anti-Catholicism in England.

I was sent copies of correspondence between the Archbishop of Westminster, Card. Nichols, and the Prefect of the Congregation for Divine Worship in Rome (which now tragically has competence in matters liturgical for the Vetus Ordo), Archbp. Roche.

It is good for us to know what the Supreme Apparatus is considering for the most severely marginalized group in the Church.  Forewarned is forearmed.   It is easier to hide flee to the forest, to the Mass stone, and hide your children from harm if you know the riders with the ropes and torches are on their way.

Friends, we prepare for many challenges, if we are smart.  We ready our homes for storms and stock up.  We save money and make sure our ducks are in a row.  We think down the line about how to pay for schooling for children or for a retirement.  We make sure that we have replacement parts and tools before we need them.  I could multiply examples.

We have to be ready for what they are going to do.  If for a hurricane, how not for this storm?

The only way out of this is to endure it.

As you read, do you get a sense of coordination?

It’s as if they had a long talk before anything was put on paper.

UPDATE 7 Nov 2021:

As promised.  This seems appropriate for the epistolary dance above.

[embedded content]

Another version HERE (from the movie).

And ECCLES is on it.  HERE

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